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black film on cars

(Querist) 12 January 2009 This query is : Resolved 
recently women organisation is sending letter to chief minister, and commissioner of police to impose ban on black flim on car glass, the question is
do this will reduce the rape cases in car?
do this mean that right of privacy is not at all there as if we are going in a car with transparant glass with ladies do the anti social elements not use to follow the car as they take glimpse of who is sitting inside?
do this mean many rape cases if happening in houses all the houses shall be made of glass?
i think cars are a private place of individuals and right of privacy should be there , if law requires decrease in number of cases of rape happening in cars the cars with black films can be checked and this is the duty of police dept, imposing a ban on black films is not the solution as this will effect the privacy of common man.
pls share your thoughts on this issue?
Manish Singh (Expert) 13 January 2009
The matter has already been settled by the Delhi HC where it lifted the complete ban over the issue of tinted glass in 2007.
A division bench headed by Justice T S Thakur allowed use of black film on front and side windows with the rider that visibility criteria prescribed under the Central Motor Vehicles Act should be followed. The Act lays down a 50% visibility requirement for side windows and a 70% transparency criterion for front and rear windshields.
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 21 February 2009
In fact the provisions of MVAct are clear on the issue. The issue is also settled by the court.
B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 23 February 2009
the black screen does not encounter the problem of offences in the cars. imposing not to have black screens attract the violations of Art 21.
the suitable solution has to search and enact suiatble laws.
but as on now we need to comply with the safety provisions laid down in M V Act unless and until the M V Act is amended with suitable solutions.

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