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Bride's father called off wedding and refused give gold back

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 30 November 2023 This query is : Resolved 
Hello, All THis is Sai, I got engaged this Sep 2023 to one of my dad's colleagues' cousin's daughter through an arranged marriage type.I Planned to get married in Dec 2023. Firstly girl approached me saying she found the match and was very interested and said my dad and her uncle are colleagues. Before approaching to me she even convinced her dad about the match. later her dad said things are good and can go forward after horoscope matched. But I was not in rush took my time , spoke with her some , met few times and finally decided to go forward, during this time i found she did her bachelors twice due to her dad pressure so I was unclear what was reason doing degree twice ( that is 8years of bachelors in two colleges). She sent her certificates to me of both universities and then I left the topic there and we got engaged on Sep 2023 , but after the engagement girl's dad made things complicated and always wanted to drop the marriage ( Even after engagement girl's dad said this to girl) as he is not the one who came forward with the match but his daughter bought it. Things are going very fast and recently I want to apply few jobs for the girl and asked about her role and I found out she lied to me about her current role and all her basic education details so I was confused and asked why did you lie to me about basic details. Initially she didn't agree but later accepted and said her dad didn't want to reveal anything before marriage. I was confused but asked her to make her dad to speak to my parents on this matter and settle down to move forward but he didn't speak anything on this instead blamed us saying we are rude to his wife and daughter (while we only asked them about what is the point to hide these details and not revealing any information ) and need a confirmation from us saying girl will be safe in future as he assumed we were rude . We were in shock as we were expecting him to say the reason and purpose to hide the things but nothing happened, After two days he dropped text saying we are not interested to move forward for marriage as he is scared to give the girl to us and need trust from us that she will be in safe hands. So coming the point he is even not ready to communicate properly with us and he just spoke to my uncle and called off wedding .We almost wiated for 3 weeks and tried reaching him through mediators but nothing worked, also when we asked about Gold ornaments presented to girl on engagementday (around 2lakhs worth of gold) he said they spent 4 lakhs to the enagement and cannot return the gold and not interested to talk on this matter further.But even we spent around 15lakhs like my travel from abroad ,local travel expenses to event , leasing apartment with her name and many other misc expenses including 2lakhs for gold . So what we can do here or best approach to get things back , we are planning to go legally. Any suggestions will be appreciated and thanks alot.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 30 November 2023
No legal elements are involved in your query to me.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 30 November 2023
So , There is no way we can get the gold ornaments back here in this case or how to approach further ?
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 01 December 2023
You issue a legal notice to her father narrating the issues briefly and also your grievances towards their attitude and their refusal to return the gold ornaments.
You are very much entitled to demand the return of yor gold jewels given to her b because since she is not yet married to you, she cannot claim it as stridhan.
Thus, if they do not comply with the demands made, you can file a suit to recover the same through civil court
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 01 December 2023
Thanks a lot sir , Incase the girls father asks us to bear the expenses for the engagement how to proceed with that ? As it’s his decision to spend amount but we are ready to bear them. And also we are looking if they can compensate us as we spent flight charges from USA , travel charges and apartment we leased on girl name.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 01 December 2023
It is a practical issue to be decided on the prevailing circumstances, hence it is advisable that the issue can be solved amicably, if you involve legal issues then there cannot be any solution to this.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 01 December 2023
Thanks Alot Sir , we actually had a discussion with them but they didn't want us to ask them regarding gold ornaments and said we will not return it , we even tried to bring it on paper signed by each other asking for there should be no involvement in the future or involvement blaming each other, but they didn't sign it either. Considering this approach which didn't help us in any way , can we send legal notice or file a suit sir? Thanks a lot in advance

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