Which profession has more perks? Judiciary or Civil Services?
Dear Expert,
I was expelled from the final semester of my Graduation exam in 2019 because I and the girl sitting in front of me exchanged answer scripts and the external caught us. I will be allowed to give the examination this year i.e., 2020. Will I face problem later on in my life when I go to seek government job? Will i be selected for jobs by the government of India for being expelled from my final exam?
Hi Friend, Any one can explain step by step procedure for enrollment A.P. Amaravathi Bar council. Thks Urgent. Shiva 8056123773
Hello, My name is Deepanshu Bhardwaj. I have taken admission in Galgotias University on 17/July/2019 with deposition of 20,000 Rs. but cancelled my application on 31/July/2019 due to some personal reasons. Initially, they started to give dates which are nearby but after that they almost denied. I've met Chancellor, HOD, Dean and almost every official in Accounts Department but nothing could be done. Also, I have...
- A fee Receipt
- A Withdrawal Form (Signed by Accounts Department)
- A Written Application to CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- A Sound Record of Chancellor in which He is saying " I am the Officer who will sign the forms to generate your Cheque, currently I do not have Cheque Book to give you a "
I wasted my a lot of time in waiting many & many hours outside. I come from one side of 55 KM's. to know about progress in my application and even they do not talk. If I insists them to do then they started to give dates like " Come next month, come next to next monday/wednesday/friday " etc are their favorite slogans to delay any conversation. Whatever is date or day they just fix NEXT TO NEXT in them.
Also, I messaged personally to Mr. Dhruv Galgotia (CEO) on Instagram, Commented on his You tube Videos and don't know how many times I mailed.
PS : I would like to say that there is not any rule and regulation mention in prospectus in which they can deny to refund. Even I have withdrawal form given by them. I had posted this query just because they have no right to keep my money on behalf on their terms & conditions.
The Student is due to appear in CBSE - Class X Board Examination in February-2020.He is studying in same school since class Nursery.The School is continuously threatening not to allow him as also several others to not to allow sit for Board Examination on the pretext of their allegedly poor performance in class tests, pre Board examinations wherein it has set unrealistic standards . Large number of students face such situation.The Board however do not withheld the admit card on any such pretext and have forwarded the admit cards of all the students.The school at their own keep them withheld and students are made to be absent in board examination.This has become a regular practice at so called elite schools. Concerned seriously for my ward. What is the remedy for such contingency as school is likely to issue or withheld the admit card just a few days ahead of examination.Need guidance.
Can a part time degree and distance learning degree be done together? Is it possible for state government employee?
सर मैं एक केस में याची बना हु। मुझे केस no भी पता है। मुझे याची लिस्ट निकलवानी है । ताकि मुझे पक्का हो सके कि मेरा नाम याची लिस्ट में है । कृपया मुझे ये बताये कि याची लिस्ट किस प्रकार से निकलवाई जा सकती है।
Sir I applied super tet exam as filled by mistake VIAJY . But my correct name is VIJAY . Plz tell me suggestions .What can I do .
Regarding name correction in certificate
My name recorded in ssc / matriculation as Singh rahulkumar ramesh but in my degree it appears as Rahul kumar singh as I want to go for UPSC. So what should I do ? Should I go for change of name or affidavit of same name will serve the purpose ??