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Anonymous   03 September 2024 at 16:49

Amicus curiea

In a highly publicized environmental case, the Supreme Court of India was tasked with determining the legality of a new industrial project near an ecologically sensitive area. The case involved complex environmental and scientific data, which the judges found challenging to interpret. Recognizing the need for expert assistance, the court appointed Dr. Radhika Rao, a renowned environmental scientist, as an Amicus Curiae to provide independent advice on the potential environmental impact of the project. However, one of the parties contested Dr. Rao’s appointment, arguing that her past affiliations with environmental NGOs might bias her views. What is the role and responsibilities of an Amicus Curiae in legal proceedings. How does the court ensure that the advice provided by an Amicus Curiae is impartial and free from bias? Should past affiliations of an Amicus Curiae disqualify them from offering expert advice in a case, or can the court mitigate potential conflicts of interest?

Anonymous   03 September 2024 at 16:24

Amicus curiea

In a highly publicized environmental case, the Supreme Court of India was tasked with determining the legality of a new industrial project near an ecologically sensitive area. The case involved complex environmental and scientific data, which the judges found challenging to interpret. Recognizing the need for expert assistance, the court appointed Dr. Radhika Rao, a renowned environmental scientist, as an Amicus Curiae to provide independent advice on the potential environmental impact of the project. However, one of the parties contested Dr. Rao’s appointment, arguing that her past affiliations with environmental NGOs might bias her views. What is the role and responsibilities of an Amicus Curiae in legal proceedings. How does the court ensure that the advice provided by an Amicus Curiae is impartial and free from bias? Should past affiliations of an Amicus Curiae disqualify them from offering expert advice in a case, or can the court mitigate potential conflicts of interest?

Peter   16 August 2024 at 19:53

Is it illegal to video record while in a bank

As a form of protest, I would like to record myself (and other customers) while I am in a certain bank. Our conversation and my monologue will be recorded, along with any conversation that I have with the staff (without revealing their faces). I intent to blur out faces of other customers and bank staff and anything that identifies the bank. Is it illegal to engage in this activity if I am not revealing the identity of the bank or it's employees?

This is a cooperative bank that is holding back money from depositors and sometimes making them wait for 4-5 hours to even withdraw 1000 rs. from their own accounts. The bank is struggling to get back some bad loans and is short on funds. They treat the depositors with disrespect and waste their valuable time, while they refuse to take responsibility. The bank continues with their bad policies that got them in this financial pickle in the first place. The depositors are not organised enough and people who matter aren't paying attention. This vlogging is a silent form of protest, which I hope will get the attention of policymakers and embolden other customers to voice their concerns to the bank and make them take responsibility.

I intent to show my plight (and hundreds of other depositors) by recording myself in the bank and uploading it to various social media websites.

Before doing so, I want to ask about legal pitfalls in this approach. Your valuable advice is much appreciated. TY.

Anonymous   10 July 2024 at 00:53

Ews to me being married to unreserved category man

I'm from reserved category before marriage and I'm married to unreserved category man so Do I also become eligible to get benefit of EWS certificate or not?

vijay kiran   19 June 2024 at 00:21

Horizontal reservation

Suppose in a recruitment, total 8 posts are notified and there break up is as follow
Oc-3, Sc-2, St 1,Pwd-1, Bc-1

Now my doubt is how many posts will be reserved for Women horizontally
If 3 post are reserved, then from which category the last one post of women will be filled because to the max we can accomodate 1 women in Oc and 1 in Sc

Pls reply

Sonu   30 May 2024 at 21:44

Obc ncl certificate query

Respected sir
Recently my uncle made a obc NCL certificate for me in the year 2023 and by mistake he provided the proof of income of 5 years before that is of year 2018 which was 6 lakh from salary
Actually the income proof is of my father who is group c employee and recently I got to know about this and my father salary is around 7.5 lakh from salary at present
And sir I got selected based on that certificate in central government job
And I am afraid and tensed whether to join the job or not because the income mentioned is wrong while making obc certificate.
I am afraid what if appointing authority get to know about this while verifying my obc certificate from the issuing authority
Please help me sir what should I do now I don't want to put anyone in trouble
Please help me

Anonymous   18 May 2024 at 21:48

Sc reserved muslim wife. contesting screserved mp elections

Respects Sir /Madam I am retired scientist, Government of India. submit the following for clarification. A Hindu SC Reserved lady married to a Muslim. She is contesting MP elections from SC reserved constituency, As per my knowledge, caste is applicable after the intercaste / Inter Religion marriage. But, in this case, the very purpose of providing reservations is defeated as it was provided for the upliftment of the society that lady belongs . Since our is Patrilineal society ( except Kerala State), the children of them get father lineage as Muslims and the children not available to very society the lady belongs. Muslims customs and conventions are different from hundus, Muslim children cannot understand and help the society the lady belongs to. If it is inter caste marriage between hundus, the customs and convections of all castes are same, then the children born to such couple can help respective communities / castes. can we challenge it in the supreme court to make it null and void to use the birth caste in assembly and parliament elections. Here both the issues are at stake. 1. very purpose of reservations in laws making institutions defeated and 2. Customs and conventions being changed. Hence the society to which the sc lady belongs will not get any help from her children and it is enriching others out her society

Anonymous   04 May 2024 at 22:15

Disqualification to contest ls election - office of profit

According to the Article 102 of Constitution of India a person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of either House of Parliament if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State, other than an office declared by Parliament by law not to disqualify its holder. But, under this clause the following explanation is provided.
Explanation- For the purpose of this clause a person shall not be deemed to hold an office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State by reason only that he is a Minister either for the Union or for such State.

Therefore a Minister in the Union Government/Government of India is not a disqualified person to contest the Lok sabha election and hence he can contest election without resigning his Minister post. Similarly a Minister in any State Government is not a disqualified person to contest the Lok Sabha election and hence he can contest election without resigning his Minister post.

The Parliament has enacted very important Act (as required under the Article 102 of Constitution of India) to declare that certain offices of profit under the Government shall not disqualify the holders thereof for being chosen as, or for being, members of Parliament in the name of the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959.

According to the section 3 of the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959 any office held by a Minister, Minister of State or Deputy Minister for the Union or for any State, whether ex officio or by name shall not disqualify the holder of office though it is falls under the office of profits under the Government of India or the Government of any State for being chosen as, and for being, a member of Parliament.

Here it is pointed out that according to the Article 102 of Constitution a Minister of Union Territory (Puducherry, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir) is disqualified candidate for being chosen as, or for being, a Member of Parliament since a Minister of Union Territory is not holding the office of profit under the Union Government and any State Government.

Further it is pointed out that according to the Section 3 of Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959 a Minister of Union Territory (Puducherry, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir) has not been declared as an office that not disqualify the holder thereof for being chosen as, or for being, a member of Parliament.

Therefore a person holding the office of profit in the capacity of Minister in the Union territory Government is disqualified candidate for being chosen as, or for being, a member of Parliament.
My query:
Recently the Election Commission of India has completed Lok Sabha in Puducherry union territory on 19-04-2024. In Puducherry one person holding the Home Minister, Education Minister, Power Minister, Industries Minister and etc in the Puducherry UT Government, who is actually a disqualified person for being chosen as, and for being, a member of either House of Parliament has filed nomination and contested the election as Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate.

As an elector of Puducherry Parliamentary constituency I have lodged complaints with the Election Commission of India, Chief Electoral Officer, Puducherry and Returning Officer, Puducherry. But, no one authority has taken action on my complaint and given reply to me even though my complaints registered with ECI’s online portal.

In this connection I want to know the correct legal position on my contention in this matter i.e. whether my contention is wrong or right? If right can I file a PIL or Election Petition in the interest of public to cancel the election at Puducherry. Please clarify me sir.
Thanking you.
Yours truly,

visuiyer   16 April 2024 at 09:45

Voter's right

I have been residing in the same premises for over 20 years; and I have been issueed with Voter ID.
I was casting vote at every election till last election.
This Parliment election, my name is not in the Electoral, (while attempting to download the booth slip, Upon checking at the website, it simply responded with SEARCH NOT FOUND)

On raising the complaint, the election commission, immediately close the complaint without resolving it (it means fails to receive the complaint)

I called over the ECIL Office, shockingly, I was accused of possibly having two ID cards, which is absurd.

How could a responsible organization issue two ID cards to one person, especially when I have lived at the same address for 20 years with only one ID card. Such an accusation against a law-abiding citizen like me is highly objectionable.

I expect this matter to be resolved , and to get a positive so that I can exercise my democratic right to vote.

Veterns, please advise where to file a case as the election date is nearing..

Guru   16 April 2024 at 00:33

Court refund if application rejected.

dear sir / madam , when we submit application with court fee . for some reason if court rejected the application , does court fee is refundable ? .

I have given 15k court fee to lawyer for financial case. Since it has more than 3 months. Lawyer keep saying tomorrow by 4pm will give case number like this keep saying since more than 2 months . He said that 3 months ago application rejected as we seeked less amount than in the notice .and after that lawyer said that we submitted re-application but still he not able to provide case number . Do not know what is going on. Thank you.