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sagar madan   08 September 2008 at 18:00

cheque bouncing

My client had a motor accident last month i.e 18/8/08. The accused to settle the matter and to avoid litigation and police complaint issued a cheque to my client. Now my client has deposited the cheque and it has bounced.
My query is can the payment by accused to my client be termed as debt?
Can my client still make police complaint of the said accident?

V V SATYANARAYANA   06 September 2008 at 14:55

change of name

One of our employee whose wife's maiden name is Pratima Mishra after marriage she is to be called as Pratima Satpathy. Her nick name is Manini. The employee by oversight in all the employment records/nominations mentioned her name as Manini Satpathy. As per her school certificate it was Pratima Mishra. Now he submitted an affidavit sworn by his wife Pratima Satpathy before Executive Magistrate, duly notorised alongwith news paper cutting in the local daily about the change of her name as Pratima Mishra, Manini Satpathy and Pratima Satpathy are same. Can we take it on record ? What is the law relating to this please clarify. Regards

S.S.BHASKARAN   01 September 2008 at 23:46

mortgage by allotment letter

Presently I am handling a matter where a mortgage stated to be created by the predecessor in title. The present owners who are our clients have purchased the property 22 years back and are in peaceful possession and enjoyment of the property.

The claim that mortgage was created by depositing the allotment letter from the Tamil Nadu Housing Board which says lease cum sale agreement was the only document on which the mortgagee is making a claim.

At the outset we understand that on the ground of limitation alone the claim fails.
however I would like to know the legal points that governs and connected implications.

sanjay kumar patibandla   01 September 2008 at 18:03

withdrawing the complainant.

I filed two cases u/s 138 of N I Act cases againast one person. The matter is settled before giving sworn affidavit.

Now we want to withdraw the cases. Is the petition u/s 257 of Cr.P C is maintanable to with draw case before taking considaration. if no what is the procedure to withdraw the complaints.

SANJAY DIXIT   29 August 2008 at 23:41

Dishonour of Cheque

I given a sum of Rs 2 lacs as a token amount for purchase of a house & get a paid receipt of said amount on revenue stamp signed.No agreement was executed. Later it come to know that the said property was disposed off to some other person. I demanded back the money, he given a A/c payee cheque of Rs 2 lac after a great time spoil. Cheque dishonoured. On consultation he paid cash of Rs 1 lac 20 Thousands in total in instalments till today.
He is not paying the balance now.
1) What should I do now?
2) whether the part payment will efect the case U/s 138 NIAct, if I produce the cheque again (as nearly 45 days over of bouncing the cheque)and give him a notice U/s 138 NIAct?
3) If no how may I send a Notice for dishonour of Cheque for whole amount, when I received already a part of it.
Pls suggest.

advocate satya   29 August 2008 at 13:45

exam for registered patent attorney

is there any exam for registered patent attorney? where can i get the details for this? do any member has any idea what is the qualification required and whether it is conducted in delhi? can't i practise in this area unless i am not registered and cleared the exam?

ajay kumar   26 August 2008 at 18:57

need your help

today postman come with one notice i not get that,but some information i have i need your help to understand that.

on envelope this info mention:

case no:

hg. dt:

case: fs

can u tell me what is fs. i think this is a criminal case filed by banks against me.

Lokesh   27 July 2008 at 21:45

TN Buildings and lease control act

I am the new owner of the property and without issuing notice of attornment of tenancy, i have initiated eviction proceedings against the tenant on the ground willful default, personal occupation and demolition and construction? will the non-issuance of attornment of tenancy notice be drastic to my case?

Rajaram C Iyer   03 July 2008 at 20:11

Procedure for change of name

Please explain me the procedure for change of name of my son aged 10 years.

manu saxena   28 June 2008 at 07:54

power of attorney

who is reponsible for non registration of power of atttorney, whether it is owner of property or poa holder.