One of my sister was supposed to travel from Surat to Godhra(paternal property - house) to sign a Relinquishment Deed on a paternal property -House,and I her brother am staying at Baroda.... but she is not able to come at Godhra due to her family commitment.
Can she come here at Baroda and sign such deed registering the same in Baroda Sub resitrar office?
And can that Relinquishment Deed signed by her in Baroda be produced at Godhra i.e where paternal property is being situated...?? Is that valid...??
Also if property is being situated in gujarat , then can a sister sign such relinquishment deed from any part of gujarat.....?? Whether that signed Relinquishment Deed is Valid...??
Please do needful....
If father in law wants to transfer an immovable property to daughter in law through gift deed in Surat , Gujarat....Then how it can be done...?? i mean what fees or charges are to be paid....??
And also after Registration of Gift Deed , whether the same gift deed can be challenged or revoked.....??
For e.g sasur transfers immovable property in name of his bahoo....then after registration of gift deed , whether legal heirs of donor i.e sasur can challenge this gift deed.....?? Can they succeed in the same....??
Please do the needfull.....
Transfer of shares
I was having 800 Gujarat Meditech Ltd 's Equity shares , which i have sent to Registrar office for transferring it to my daughter's name....on dated 15/10/2013.
I wrote many letters to them for this matter , but they are not transferring the shares..nor they are sending back me those shares.....
So what can i do now for this matter....??
please help me that can i take any legal action on that company for the same matter....??
please do the needfull..
Thank You.