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Queries Participated

Rajiv K. Sharda   01 June 2010 at 15:30

I do not have the Birth Place Certificate

I am planning to apply for the Passport. The passport form's Entry Number 5 requires the attachment of the Birth Place Certificate.
While I have all other documents, I do not have the Birth Place Certificate.

Please advise.

Anonymous   28 May 2010 at 15:50

Board meetings

Hello experts,

Can a company registered in India,conduct a board meeeting outside India. Request you to specify any departmental clarifications in this regard,


vijaybhushan   27 May 2010 at 12:13

company law

legality of resolution passed contrary to
articles of association of company.

Anonymous   26 May 2010 at 14:45

Winding Up

One of our client is going for winding up of the company. It is voluntary winding up by the members. Major problem is there are 5 directors of which 3 are foreign national and 2 are Indian National in the company. But at the time of filing DIN 2 & 3 by the Company it has filed only for 4 directors. The one director left with out any DIN is Indian National having no DIN 1 up to now and at present he is settled in foreign country a year back. He is not co operating for filing DIN 1 in his name. Can we mention that the office of the so called director has been vacant under section 283 of the companies act for not attending 3 boar meetings. If so there is any requirement of filing any document with ROC for such vacation Or there are any alternative methods. If so please suggest the same at the earliest along with the checklist for complying with requirements of ROC for winding up of the company.

The company was formed in the Year 2002.

Is the any simplified exit scheme (SES) for the Year 2010 if so pls intimate.

Pls resolve the query at the earliest.

Ruchi Gupta   25 May 2010 at 17:41


i want to give reply of these queries

Anonymous   25 May 2010 at 14:02

Guidelines for NBFC formation

I would like to know what are the RBI guidelines and procedure for registering a company for NBFC

Anonymous   15 April 2010 at 14:18


what is the procedure to be followed up while transferring the assets and liabilites of a partnership firm which is converted into a public limited company under part IX of the Companies Act, 1956.

Anonymous   24 March 2010 at 22:14


One of my client is going for conversion of partnership firm into a public company. The problem is the deed of partnership is not yet registered. pls give me the solution and also a checklist if any for the documents to be attached to Form 1A, form 1, form 18, form 32 and any other forms to be filed with ROC.....

Anonymous   15 March 2010 at 18:57

winding up

One of my client is going for winding up the company. Problem is there are five directors in the company and while filing Din 3 they filed only for four directors and now the other director is not coperating for applying Din 1 in his name. Now what is the process to proceed with.....