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Aditya Boddupalli   30 June 2009 at 14:23

Harrasment by wife and her parents

Hi. I had been married in Aug, 2008 to a middle class girl. At the time of marriage her dad told me that she is very good at house keeping, cooking and in speaking in English. But, later when I had to move to Goa for job, I realized that she doesn't even know how to cook rice and clean the house.

From then onwards, she and her parents are making repeated allegations that I am having an extra-marital affair with a servant - which is completely false. They are even insulting my parents and friends. She went back to her maternal home 2 weeks back. Last week when I visited her house to see her, her dad told me that if I need to see my wife, I need to clarify why my mother is calling their relatives and enquiring about my wife's character - which is a lie.
Now, he is threatening me in ugly language to clarify the comments made by my parents. Of which, none are true.

After moving to Goa, my wife repeatedly accused me of marrying without her consent. She called her parents and lied them that I am beating and torturing her. She herself wrote letter to me stating that she wants to leave and doesn’t want to re-unite. And now, after she went to her parental home, she is spreading all the lie stories again.

Please tell me what to do.

Monali   30 June 2009 at 14:21

Return of Deposit

Whether we have to submit Return of Deposit pursuant to Rule 10 of Co.s (Acceptance of Deposits)Rules, 1975, to RBI. Is there any notification/ directive for discontinuance of the same? Pls let me also know whether we can file the same on line and if yes, how ?

Thanks & Regards,

sanjiv   30 June 2009 at 13:57

bank recover for other person loan

Dear Sir
My father in law purchased a residential property from Mr shyam on 22-03-05 in meerut , Mr shyam Is having a loan of around 4 lakh from State bank of india ( meerut )so my father in law repay the amount of 4 lakh through account transfer to mr shyam loan account & pay 2 lakh in cash to him & got the papers from state bank of india & we had done the registery.
After 2 years now Punjab & sindh bank of meerut comes with one notice that they are having the loan of around 3 lakh which they had given on this property on 12-02-02 to Mr jaipal & he had not repay any amount to Bank, now they need the possession,
We had filed the case in civil court in meerut court on 01-11-08 but till this date after one year also we had around 7 dates but no representative of bank bother to come in court, on 25 -6-09 bank had publish a notice in local newspaper that this property is having a debt of bank & noone purchase this property ( Sec 13 of sarfasi act )& name of the loan holder is Mr jaipal.

We had purchased this property from the bank original papers are with state bank of India & we had taken the NOC from SBI & we had taken the barasalah from registrar which there is no charge is created of Punjab & sindh bank in any year.
Kindly guide us on some of my doubts-
1. we have to file application to high court for SARFASI ACT appeal , if yes what we will pray in that appeal
2. This is contempt of court because this case is pending in court
3. what should a person due care when he is purchasing the property from bank because bank also not provide loan on same property if there is any pending loan.
4. My father in law is senior citizen & having only one daughter.

Kindly guide us because we need some expert advice on this, what should we do because we are of no fault


Asir Sugirtharaj   30 June 2009 at 10:06

Registration of children home

Dear Lawyers,
1. Is it compulsory to register a children home?
2. If it is must, then where to be registered?
3. After starting children home can we get registration or should we first register the children home then to go for registration?
4. What are the docments to be produced? and to whom it should be sent?

Anyother information u have please send it me.

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   30 June 2009 at 08:22

o.7r. 11 c.p.c.

khatedari right can be declared on the basis of unregistered agreement?

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   30 June 2009 at 08:16

o.7r. 11 c.p.c.

khatedari right can be declared on the basis of unregistered agreement?

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   30 June 2009 at 08:14

o.7r. 11 c.p.c.

khatedari right can be declared on the basis of unregistered agreement?

rk   29 June 2009 at 23:11

decree and letter of administration

i have a decree and letter of admin for a property in my favour but police does not seem to honour it , what i should do

Narasimha swamy N   29 June 2009 at 22:03


What are the consequences of the following

Mortgagor fails to get mortgage released within 30 years but Mortgagee also does not claim his right of foreclosure within 12 years from expiry 30 years in the court of law.

Will the mortgagor again gets right of redemption?

KANDE VENKATESH GUPTA   29 June 2009 at 21:51

conditions while granting bail

Whether the court is empowered to impose any conditions other than enumerated u/s 437 Cr.P.C. while granting bail?
I hope there is a Judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in this regard, but however I am unable to find the same at present. Please help me.