Respected friends
A private limited company in which 25 workers ( the monthly salary of every worker is below Rs 6500 )are employed. There is no trade union in the company.
During the financial yaer 2008-09, the company incurred losses due to economic slow down.
Whether the management is justified in refusing to give annual increment to workers on the ground of losses ?
Kindly clarify
sr laksminarasimman
Dear members of the Forum
our client wants to remove name of his wife from the Passport. Please give suggestion.
The fact of the matter is that my client is living separately from his wife since more then 3 yrs. No suits or petitions or applications filed (or pending) by the both against each other. In these circumstances he does not want his wife’s name in the passport. What should V should advise him please inform.
On 2007 July One computer seller offer me credit facility if I provide him a blank cheque. I gave him one cheque no 650583.After one year I closed all transaction with him after clearing all payments. But he did not given back the cheque. Now he is claiming I should pay Rs .50000/- on cheque no. 650583.on July 2009.During this period I used more than 75 nos cheque leaves from three series books.
The cheque he claimed is signed by me before two years. The amount is filled by him in his own hand writing.How can I Get out of this.
In 138 NI act case I stand as a surity to one person.He absconded. Now court ordered me to deposit 20000 Rs ,the bond amount.I am an farmer and I could not able to remit this large amount.There is no information about accused.His relatives told in this same cheque case the complainant filed a civil suit and he purchased through auction the property belongs to actually the complainant received the money. But criminal case is still alive.I am in very pathatic condition .Please Learned experts give your valuable answer.1. Can I go for revision? 2. can I file a petition before High Court to quash it ? If not possible any one of above can I ask 3 months time to deposit the money ?
Can anybody tell the procedure to amend add the objectives and makes changes in the Executive Body in a society registered under Society Registration Act of Maharashtra....
Respected Experts,
Mine is a divorce petition and Iam appearing party in person. I have received an exparte order against my husband.
Now the judge has asked me to file a recovery petition for maintenance against my husband as he has not been paying me interim maintenance since 1 year.
Since Iam appearing party in person and do not have the financial capacity to appoint a lawyer I will be highly greatful if you can give the foramat of a Recovery Petition for maintenance.
Dear Sir,
I have recently compleated my LL.B., Now I want to know, Can I join as a Legal Officer in a Pvt. Company and I can appear before the legal forums with Dress code.Is it necessary to enroll in State Bar Council or not.
Srinivas Garlapati
under infermation act, can we get infermation regarding partnership business accounts in which iam the leagle hirer of the diesesed partner.How shoud we apply .kindly guid me sir.
Dear Sir,
I would like to know wen we file a suit for injuction then, before filing the same, do we have to pay a fees in the range of (1%- 10%)of the total value of property in consideration to the court.
Awaiting for your reply.
Thanking You,
Abhishek Mishra
Defrauding/Cheating on Property Purchase
I am a British citizen of Indian origin. I went into an agreement to sell my family house in Delhi and received token money/biyana. I asked my relative “A” to act as my agent to find my house in Noida, which he dealt with the help of his friend and property dealer “B”. On asking for his commission, he said it would be a “cup of tea”.
In August 2008, I agreed to buy a property in Noida, through A and B, and verbally agreed the price “X” and biyana in the sum of “Y”. I left for the UK on the same day. The next day, A and B sent 2 men to get the cash Y from my brother who rang A who confirmed to give the sum Y and promised to send the written agreement the next day. My brother followed these instructions. The deal was to complete on 30 Oct 2008.
I kept asking A to give the written agreement to me but he always postponed on some pretence, until recently. Following this, due to the credit crunch, my buyer could not come up with remaining consideration to complete the deal. As a result, I am also unable to complete the deal on the property in Noida.
I was still trying to get a written agreement from A at this time. He said that this agreement is in “safe keeping” with his friend B and that if I insisted on getting this he would not help me in this matter any more.
Later, A said that I had to pay at least 4 times Y to get the written agreement. He also said that he had to pay several Lacs from his pocket to get the extension done in order to complete the deal. With much agro, he gave me a photocopy of the agreement in which the property was not bought in my name but in the name of B (property dealer). I was never told about this. Also, the purchase price on the agreement was almost 30 Lacs less than agreed with me (30 Lacs less than X). The token money, however, was 51,000 Rs more than agreed (51,000 Rs more than Y).
I feel that A and B have been co-conspirators in cheating and defrauding me. I live in the UK. What should I do?