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ankit gupta   03 September 2008 at 23:29

motor accident claim tribunal

problem:- a car hit a wrongly driven scootor (carrying 3 person drunk), after that somebody calls the cop.the injured are admitted to the hospital by the cop.
the I.O. even after 4 days if the accident does not registers any FIR and has impounded the impugned car.on asking to him he conveys to the owner of the car that two of the person are normal and deny to take any legal action but on the other hand one person among the three is still in the hospital so he(I.O) is waiting for him.

if i am the car owner what actions can i take against the I.O.,what are the legal provisions regarding the same as he is not registering the case nor is ready to compromise.
also tell what practically canbe done in this kind of situation ,say shall we wait or should we adopt any other remedy.


ankit gupta

SANJAY DIXIT   03 September 2008 at 23:01

Right to Information Act

If aggrieved by an order of CPIO (CPIO has not provided the information by saying 'NO PUBLIC INTEREST INVOLVED & IT RELATES TO THIRD PARTY'), whether the order can be challanged in Civil Court or any other Court?
Pls give the provisions & if possible any case law.

Pls, its urgent.

shantilal k. patel   03 September 2008 at 17:33

Public Litigation

The matters affecting PUBLIC LIMITED companies listed on the STOCK EXCHANGES can be challanged on the basis of PUBLIC INTEREST because large number of shareholders are from public?

If yes why?
If no why?

For example; The firm of auditors are
as per the provisions of the companies act 1956. Later on found that partners of the firm are fighting and even one partner has filed criminal case against other partners. They do not talk to each other.Civil cases are also filed among partners.Even bank account was under stop payment intruction by a parnter for two months.
Can P.I.L be filed to restrain such firm of chartered accountants to act as auditors of public limited companies?

VIKAS GARG   03 September 2008 at 16:03

IPC : Direct Causation and Abetment

As we know that causation is one of constituents of any offence. Means offence must be caused due to act or omission of offender. Offence may be done directly (by causing some act and omission) or indirectly by abetment (by causing some act and omission).

Just read illustration (b)of section 299 of ipc, which is as follows:

(b) A knows Z to be behind a bush. B does not know it A, intending to cause, or knowing it to be likely to cause Z's death, induces B to fire at the bush. B fires and kills Z. Here B may be guilty of no offence; but A has committed the offence of culpable homicide.

Just read another illustration (f)appended with exception 2 of section 300 of ipc, which is as follows:

(f) Z strikes B. B is by this provocation excited to violent rage. A, a bystander, intending to take advantage of B's rage, and to cause him to kill Z, puts a knife into B's hand for that purpose. B kills Z with the knife. Here B may have committed only culpable homicide, but A is guilty of murder.

Just read one more illustration appended with exception 5 of section 300 of ipc, which is as follows:

A, by instigation, voluntarily causes, Z, a person under eighteen years of age to commit suicide. Here, on account of Z"s youth, he was incapable of giving consent to his own death; A has therefore abetted murder.

Now my question here if these illustrations are correctly appended with respective provisions then how abetment is different with direct causation. Don't you think the circumstances given under these illustrations of section 299 and 300 of IPC should come under the topic of abetment?

Please help me to get rid of this confusion.

Anil Kumar kamboj Delhi M-9650   03 September 2008 at 15:17

judiciary question bank

statemen of witness recorded u/sec.164 of cr.p.c are corroborative evidence whether confession is also is a corroborative evidence or subsdentive . pls let me details sir,

Anil Kumar kamboj Delhi M-9650   03 September 2008 at 14:57

impeachment of president .

although the member of council can't participate in the impeachment of president .
pls let me know sir which members can join in that.

girija   03 September 2008 at 12:03

family law

The divorce is by mutual consent.after six months for complaiance of consent parties in the court of law .if the parties are not present there,as they are out of india.would the affidavit that is affirmed days before 6 months completed would be acceptable and if not then whats the atlernative

smith sharma   03 September 2008 at 11:17



Murali Krishna   03 September 2008 at 10:51

Competent court to issue declaratory decree

Dear experts, I require your help in the following:

Which court is competent to give a judgement in rem - To be specific - A declaratory decree of Adoption. Some say, only a district court or its equalent is the only competent court. -- If so, please give me the reference with regard to the section and also any citation of HC or SC.

I tried but I could not get cogent information. I request you to please do some research for my sake. Thank you all.

Bindu   03 September 2008 at 10:19

Cancellation of Power of Attorney

How can a Power of Attorney be cancelled?

If by Revocation then what are the contents of the REvocation of Power of attorney?

Pls Provide the draft