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Adv. Rishab   11 March 2008 at 15:54


i m a law student..
at present i m in 8th semester..
i want to persue diploma in I.P.R.

Siva Rama Krishna   11 March 2008 at 15:24

Regarding Bonus Payment

I worked for a software company. While joining they mentioned that my bonus component is based on three factors.
1) Performance of the Company
2) My individual Performance
3) Duration of my stay during the year with the company.
I worked with that company for 7 months and I quit. Now they are not ready to pay me the bonus. They distributed the bonus to all other employees after I quit. As I am not on the payroll at the time of disbursement of bonus, they did not want to pay me. But it was not mentioned in the offer letter given to me. I sent a legal notice to them and they replied me stating that as per XXX act, I am not eligible for bonus as my salary is above statutory limit. If that is the case, they should not have mentioned the bonus component in my ofer. Please guide me on how to approach further.

Pooja   11 March 2008 at 13:44

Savings Account


My surname has changed after marriage.

I had a PAN No in my name and have a bank account.

Since i was not working -i did not file any returns.

After marriage my surname changed and i got a new pan no.

i have a savings account in my name begore my marriage-i keep depositing money in it.
Can you please let me know the tax libality for teh same.

saimathy   11 March 2008 at 12:46

Provident fund compliances

How to comply with provident fund schemes in construction company when workers in construction site keep on changing day by day

lakshmi   11 March 2008 at 10:31

Unfair Labour Practices


How can the Unfair labour practices on the part of the employers be CURBED?
Kindly give some suggestions.


Jasmine   11 March 2008 at 09:25

Applicability of EPF


I am working with an international BPO in Mohali. This firm is an 100% export oriented unit and registered with STPI.
The strength of the company is around 60 employees.

Is PF applicable on the firm or not?


Himanshu Sharma   11 March 2008 at 00:33

Liability of Director

Dear Friends

I am working with an company which has been in operation for last 10 years, however, they did not bother to get ESI code. Now they wish to get the ESI code, however, the directors of the company do not want any kind of liability, either due to default or any in future.

I would like to know that if the company nominates, a person as responsible for all activities related to ESI,will that dissolve the liability of directors in case of any amount recoverable.

In case, yes what kind of letter or agreement has to be issued by Directors.

Please reply to this query on an ASAP basis.

Thanks & Regards

Himanshu Sharma

latharamesh   10 March 2008 at 21:41

the rights of the party in illegal agreements in contract Act

Hi experts,
I know that in contract act if the agreement is illegal, the collateral events also become unenforceable. Suppose Bank is lending money to a person, who uses it for his illegal buisness. Can the bank enforce the contract, which is collateral to a void agreement.

Abhimanyu Soni   10 March 2008 at 19:39

Employees' State Insurance Act

Thanks M. Manish Singh,

But still I am not clear about:
What is the remedy when employer's contribution has been paid but employee's contribution netither deducted from their wages nor deposited to ESIC.

Abhimanyu Soni

The situation is like this:
we have deposited emplyer's contribuiton but we have neither deducted the employees' contribution from their wages nor we have deposited the same seperately yo ESIC since Jan 2006. ESI became applicable to principal employer in Jan 2006 only.

We know that it is a default on our part but there must be some solution for it.

I hope the query is much clear know

thanks and regards

Arunkumar Mehta   10 March 2008 at 18:28

Carrying on professional activities from residential premises

Whether a C.A. using computers can carry out his professional activities from residential premises. Whether BMC or Electric utility can levy commercial taxes and whether society can object to such user. I belief that there is supreme Court judgement on this point that professional carrying out professional activities from residence is not commercial activities. Give citation of the s.c. judgement.