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prerna oberoi   30 August 2009 at 02:07

caureer option

what's better from career point of view financially aswell as in growth terms:
a)doing C.S simultaneously with law??
b)doing ll.m from U.K in IPR after completing law??

debasis MANDAL   30 August 2009 at 00:04


I want to know under which law a gazetted officer or any group-A officer can attested a document i.e. mark sheet and certificate of examination etc.?

debasis MANDAL   30 August 2009 at 00:01


whether a sebait can sell a debottar property (i.e. deity property) as per Daibhag HINDU LAW?

Manish Bhardwaj   29 August 2009 at 23:46

Car Company Riping Me

Hi, My car a Maruti Swift ZXi meet with an accident. the car was sent to repairs to a authorised maruti Workshop. there are 3 issues bothering me

1. My car towing costed me 3000 Rs but the company has fixed the towing charges to re emburse in insurance by 1500 Rs only. Now why so as if the nearest service center is much far & towing charges are more whats my fault in that.

2. They (workshop) replaced the air bags in my car & billed me about 90000 Rs for that. The diffrence between maruti Swift VXi which comes withour air bags & ZXi which comes with air bag is 60000Rs which includes air bags + 17 other items on it costing nearly around 35000. so according to that the airbags should be just worth 25000 rs max so why 90000

3. They are saying that insurance will pay only 50% cost of the airbag as they say it comes under plastic or rubber. So there is a 50% depreciation on this thing. Now when its a item which is only used once in its whole life time then how can be there any depreciation on it.

I would be really greatfull if someone suggest something

A Truthseeker   29 August 2009 at 23:26


From small offence all serious ones emerge. first man insults then intimidation starts then attempts on person result. in this way all smaller causes give rise to bigger crimes. if all offences are made non-bailable but noncognizable and the upper limit is made life imprisonment and the lower as OR FINE and all offences are triable by experienced judges with at least 10 years experience can we expect better criminal justice and law and order situation?

pradeep kumar lalwani   29 August 2009 at 23:18

insurance law

if a Person stand his bike without Handel lock then what will insurance co. do. Any rulling in favoue of person, claminet

Md Shadab Ansari   29 August 2009 at 22:50

Need Help relating to insurance..!

My friend has taken an insurance from HDFC.It is a unit linked Pension plan.Its initial premium was 1lakh per annum.The agent told that later u can deduct the annual premium without any extra cost.Next year my friend applied for premium reduction from Rs. 1lakh to 10000 per annum. But the company deducted Rs. 25000 from the amount as premium reduction charge. I want to know what are the IRDA Rules in this regard. Pl giv me the details. Thanks Shadab

Girish Goyal   29 August 2009 at 21:03

Wrong usage of power of attorney for sale of land

Dear Sirs, I have a problem created due to illegal usage of power of attorney given by me to my close relative.
We had a joint family business,having 5 partners all family members,all of 5 had given power of attorney of one partner most elder to sign to legal documents on behalf of partnership firm.Instead of all 5 have to sign all documents all the time only one who got authority with this POA used to signed everywhere related with business of Partnership Firm.This POA also included assets to be sold in my personal name including car,plots,godowns which were then use in the business of partnership firm. This Power of Attorney was sign before Sub Registrar Office and duly registered in their records with photos affix on it.
I got separated from Partnership Firm, two years back and given that person a letter duly acknowledge by him not to use this power of attorney anywhere thereafter.
Now this POA is being used by holder to sold out one land in my name as a director of a private limited company.With this POA the attorney holder sign a sale deed in sub registered office.I planned to start a new business by buying land in the name of new private limited company,where i am director with 80% Shares.Rest 20% rests with another new family member.Due to some disputes raised in old partnership firm,and to take undue advantage to my new property,this attorney holder sold this land.I Already lodge complaint before Sub registrar,Collectors office,Land records department in this regard for cancellation of this false sale deed by usage of POA.
POA was given for partnership firm business,to sale property of my personal name and it was revoked by giving letter duly acknowledged, then how it can be use to sale property of a private limited company.Please Advice as i am in great trouble as to what to do next.How i can get this sale deed got cancell and again have land in my private companys name. Thankyou in advance for giving your valuable time in advicing this matter

vinay kumar   29 August 2009 at 20:52

how can i join the bar council of delhi

Hello, I have done a 3 year L.L.B from Faculty of Law, Bihar University. Now I want to apply for Membership with The Bar Council of India as an Advocate. So please let me know the procedure for that.
Thanks in Advance.

Urjit Shukla   29 August 2009 at 20:27

Import licence

Dear friends, plz let me know How to apply for Import Licence? In Gujarat where should I have to apply? Plz reply step wise. Thanks