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Apurva Kumar   25 October 2008 at 20:01

In need of Citation

Anyone,having knowledge about this citation or having full text what was held in this case 2008,vol-viii,pg435,S.C.C. this case is regarding sc st and atrocities law.

advocate satya   25 October 2008 at 15:01

impugne order

if any review is filed is the original order is called impugned in the petition or it will be used in appeal, what is review process i mean vakalatnama is again to be filed or any court fee

Anish   25 October 2008 at 14:31

Indemnity Bond

I'm a graduate engineer. My previous company, where i joined as trainee just after my graduation in Dec 2005, made me sign an Indemnity Bond in Jan 2007. They said they would send me to Germany for Advanced training initially of for 3 months and it would extend for 2 years.

They sent me to Germany for 3 months and i returned in April 2007. But instead of training I was made to work on an Indian Project which i was already working on back in India. That is I practically did the same work i was doing in India apart from the fact that i was doing it sitting in Germany. I complained to the management but they told me that the Germans were not interested in training Indian people.
I left the organization in July 2008.

The bond is on stamp paper and was for a period of 3 years, starting from "the day i return from training."
The amount of the bond being 2 lakhs. Now the company has sent a notice(on their letter head)to me claiming the amount and legal action if i do not pay.
I asked them through Registered mail and E-mail as to why they were claiming the amount as they had not provided any training. The HR Head responded to the email saying "You have signed a bond and if you had a problem you should have said it earlier."
But i had complained to Vice President and also a to member of the Board of Directors.
when i told the HR Head about this through email, he did not respond.
Now they have sent a notice through an advocate through registered mail, which i could not receive as i was not at home.

My question should i act and should i receive the next notice...?If they file a case how can i prove that the bond is not valid..?

Thanks in advance

Anish   25 October 2008 at 14:28

Indemnity Bond

N.K.Assumi   25 October 2008 at 13:13

Forum for appeal against the decision of NHRC:

What will be the appeal forum against the decision of the National Human rights Commission? Supreme Court?

shripal   25 October 2008 at 13:02

Changing a lawyer/advocate

I am a layman when it comes to law. I have a vast property in my building which i have leased to a bank. lease expired but bank is not renewing the lease. we hired a lawyer but he is not showing keen interest in the case and is not providing proper answers and does not have the time to meet us. for the past 5 months he has been taking date after date after date from the court, giving flimsy excuses.

i want to know the rules to change the lawyer. do we require an NOC from the current lawyer? can i just pay his fees, fire him mid-case and hire a new lawyer?

susanth nair s   24 October 2008 at 21:57

amendment petition

sir, suitfor realization of money based on a pr.note the pro note produced by the plaintiff is dtd.10/03/2006 but in the suit notice,plaint and even in the chiefaffidavit it is stated that pro note was executed on 10/03/2007. the plff was examined,documents were marked and defendant,s evidence also closed and posted fr hg. now realising the defect plff filed ptn to amend the plaint,notice ie ext.A3,and affidavit i am appearing for defendant plz help me to draft objection to the amendment ptn.whether chief affidavit can be amended with bestregards

Vijay Kumar   24 October 2008 at 21:04

SC judgement on Charge

Sirs, I have learnt that about 20-25 days ago, the SC has delivered a landmark judgment on CHARGE. Kindly help me by telling the title and date of decision of the case. Thanks.

advocate satya   24 October 2008 at 16:00

dasti summon

what is the complete process to serve dasti summon, i mean how to get process server and what is the whole procedure?

Associate R   24 October 2008 at 15:39

Correction of Date of Birth in the passport

In order to correct the place of birth in the passport, passport authorities have asked to produce a declaratory order from the Judicial Magistrate First Class. I want to know under which section of the Criminal Procedure Code, the application should be made to get a declaratory order from the Court. Please guide.
