if a person under juducial custody wants to file a civil appeal ( matter not related to his arrest). how his affidavit can be attested. Whether a oath commissioner can go inside jail to attest. If yes under which section and act. Is attestation by jail superintendent is a must. If he refuses. what is the remedy.
Well , i am a student of 5 years law undergraduate course and want to go for judicial services wanted to know how cum i start preparing for judicial services and when its the rite time. as few people told me its too earlier to think of it. well one should go for legal practice first then for it well i would like t o know. the criteria and procedure. with correct refernces.
wheather a man who was working as a daily wages worker in the construction of a private residence buildingand fell down from first floor and sustaind injuries is a workman under W.C. ACT.?
dear sir
this is mazharshaik i would like to know the diffrent between company and corporetion this is my long pending doubt if u give ex; i am very thankfull to u
thanking u
I want to launch investment fund schemes which is invest in equity, property, project finance, and any sector which we want.
How can I register it and what is the taxation rules.
Please help us.
Nikhil Kumar
Can any one please give me a check list to verify that sums are deducted from employees and paid to govt. by company in acc. with income tax act
Respected Learned Friends,
A Hong Kong based private bank had entered into a personal loan agreement with my client for a sum of Rs.25,000/- at 39 % of interest p.a . After deducting the processing and other charges , a sum of Rs. 23,899/- was received by my client and as per the agreed repayment schedule , the loan is to be repaid by way of 36 EMIs of each RS.1404/-
After a successfull payment of 9 EMIs (ie Rs.12,636/-), the Bank called him over phone to 'top up' the said loan and The loan is now 'topped up' in the following manner!
1. Out of total 9 EMIs , a sum of about Rs 9500/- is said to be repaid towards the interest! The rest of the amount has been magnanimously deducted from the loan amount!!
2 . By a fresh personal loan for the amount about RS.33,000/- is sanctioned to him and after pre-closing the previous loan amount, theremaining about Rs.10000/- by way of Cheque has been issued to him!!!
3. Be kind enough to have a look on the schedule of repayment - 40 EMIs of Rs.1680 each!!!!
Learned Friends , I invite your valuable opinions.
Essential Commodities Act-sec.6,3-Bar as to jurisdiction or court-Seizure of salt-Release of-F.I.R. NOT DISCLOSING that salt was seized in contravention of order issued underS.3of Act-Court can release salt ?
my client sold a property after receiving the cheques.The deed is under the process of registration.I filed a declaration and injunction suit retraining the defandant from entering the property and declaration of inoperativeness of the deed.Because the cheques got bounced.
Sir , I need citation including the page numberand case number of AIR (1990-2008)in favour of the plaintiff.
person under judiscial custody
if a person under juducial custody wants to file a civil appeal ( matter not related to his arrest). how his affidavit can be attested. Whether a oath commissioner can go inside jail to attest. If yes under which section and act. Is attestation by jail superintendent is a must. If he refuses. what is the remedy.