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Bsnl compassionate ground appointments

(Querist) 16 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I am writing this on behalf of my aunt. Her husband was a BSNL employee(joined Department Of Telecommunications in 1992) who died on this 30th Nov 2013.They have 1 daughter and 1 son who are doing their studies now. My aunt is not that much educated(10th fail).They are planning to apply for the Compassionate Ground vacancies, but have the below questions or concerns. It would be great if you can clarify those.
1. Whats the latest rule on BSNL Compassionate Ground Appointments ?.Minimum of 55 points are required to be eligible for Compassionate Ground Appointments ?

2.Ideally how long it would take to get an appointment(He was in BSNL Kerala Circle).My aunt is 47 years of age.Her son is 20 years and daughter is 18 years.Who would be the right applicant for this CGA post?.
3. If daughter is applied for the post, and if she is getting married before she gets the BSNL job, will that be a disqualification of getting the BSNL job under Compassionate Ground?.
4. If daughter gets a job, will mother( my aunt, wife of the expired BSNL employee ) eligible for family pension?
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali (Expert) 16 December 2013
As per law any one member of the family may apply the compassionate ground, whether married or unmarried not in issue, but within a year should apply the concern department. this is rule of law.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013
. Whats the latest rule on BSNL Compassionate Ground Appointments ?.

Ans : would is same as that of other Gopvt PSUs.
Contact BSNL
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013

Minimum of 55 points are required to be eligible for Compassionate Ground Appointments ?

Ans : Seems you have not approached BSNL. This forum cannot advise on procedure. This is no legal popint.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013
2.Ideally how long it would take to get an appointment(He was in BSNL Kerala Circle).

Ans : Seems you have not approached BSNL. This forum cannot advise on procedure. This is no legal point.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013

My aunt is 47 years of age.Her son is 20 years and daughter is 18 years.Who would be the right applicant for this CGA post?.

Ans : Not a legal point. Domestic decision.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013

3. If daughter is applied for the post, and if she is getting married before she gets the BSNL job, will that be a disqualification of getting the BSNL job under Compassionate Ground?.

Ans : Married daughter cannot be given compassionate job.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013

4. If daughter gets a job, will mother( my aunt, wife of the expired BSNL employee ) eligible for family pension?

Ans : Yes. Even if she herself gets a job she gets pensions till she re0marries.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013
If mother applies she cannot be considered above Gp-D post and daughter applies there is no guarantee of getting Gp-C post.

In any case the qualification above 10th is irrelevant in offering comp job.

This needs to be understood before getting frustrated at later stage.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 17 December 2013
Pension remains untouched right of widow.
Even if anybody/ herself get job in place of her h.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 17 December 2013
The rules for compassionate appointments vary from Organisation to Organisation. The best thing is your aunt can approach a close friend-colleague of her deceased husband, who can ascertain the guidelines from BSNL or from their unions. According to my knowledge, nowadays,compassionate appointments are being discouraged and instead, a lumpsum amount is preferred to pay. You can get the correct position of BSNL through the deceased person's colleague.
Claiming compassionate appointment to a daughter instead of son is foolishness. The future relations with the family depends upon the attitude of the son-in-law.
Claiming appointment for children may some times spoil their career. They may wish to further their studies to get better jobs. A family decision has to be taken either to request for compassionate appointment or to claim lumpsum amount. The second one is in the interest of the widow, if she carefully invests the money, it will be an additional income apart from the family pension.
Colleagues are the best source to advice about the rules, get the assistance from the department, to look into the possibility of getting the job or lumpsum.
krishna mohan (Expert) 17 December 2013
BSNL being Govt. PSU will have to follow Govt. of India directives on compassionate appointment. You may meet the welfare officer of BSNL in the region where your uncle was employed to know about the time limit, entitlement etc., Time limit within which to be decided is within one month and 5% is the ceiling. Hence I advise that do not waste time and approach the concerned welfare officer. Prescribed Proforma will be available in BSNL office and need to be applied within set time limit. Pension is independent of compassionate employment. You may take the help of a lawyer in your area who is well versed in Service Matters so that you are rightly guided. Regarding the choice whom to avail, it is a family related issue and if your aunt and son is not keen daughter could be a ideal choice and willing to support the mother even after marriage.
Guest (Expert) 17 December 2013
Plan to do the first things first and only thereafter think about compassionate appointment.

Your aunt should first apply for family pension, gratuity, leave encashment, employees group insurance, life time arrears of pay and provident fund on prescribed forms to be obtained through the supervising/controlling authority of the deceased employee.

Family pension would be quite an independent entitlement and would not be affected even on compassionate appointment of any family member.

Compassionate appointment can be available to your aunt or any of the adult family member, who is not an earning member, and the family is dependent upon him. If daughter applies with the consent of the family, most probably she won't be able to support the family after her marriage.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 17 December 2013
Well advised by the experts, nothing more to add.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2013
There is a recent ruling by the apex court that the compassionate ground cannot be claimed as right, holding the organization rejecting an application as valid. In practice, the compassionate ground appointment can be given to any adult member be it the widow or son or daughter who are unemployed and eligible for employment as on the date considered for an appointment to any post. The family pension will not be affected due to a compassionate ground appointment, that is a different subject.

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