Can a arbitration award be declared as void or null in a writ petition
(Querist) 23 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts
Can a arbitration award be declared as void or null in a Writ Petition ?
My case is as follows:
Everything about arbitration award is ex-parte..No arbitration act 1996 is followed.. No notice is sent of arbitration proceedings and award copy is sent to fake addresses. (All proofs with us)
“Fraud vitiates and nullifies every solemn act and any decree/judgment/order procured by fraud is void and non-est.”
Hence even the arbitration award is void and non-est, and is equally against the principles of natural justice.
When something doesn’t exist legally, why should I set it aside as per Section 34 of Act 1996…
Can I not use a Writ Petition to say that “I need a declaration that the award be adjudged void and unenforceable”
Please assist.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 23 January 2013
No, you can not.
You have to file appeal u/s 34 only. if time has expired then you have missed the bus this time.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 23 January 2013
You are sentimentally agitated, not legally.
Writ lies only when there is no remedy provided in law.
HERE REMEDY U/S 34 IS WHICH YOU CAN NOT BY PASS.ALL THAT YOU shall say in writ can say here also.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 23 January 2013
agree with experts.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 23 January 2013
agree with experts you have to go in appeal not file writ
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 24 January 2013
You can put all these points in appeal only.