Can I get a lease hold/hire purchse DDA flat evicted ?
(Querist) 29 January 2010
This query is : Resolved
Can I get a lease hold/hire purchse DDA flat evicted ?
I bought a lease hold,hire purchase DDA flat in 2000 from allottee of this flat.All the DDA allotment documents and a file of General power of attorney,Special power of attorney, Sale agreement,Receipt,Will,affidavits etc. signed by allottee were given to me.Will and GPA were registered also in my name at local Sub-registerar office.
No EMI's has been paid to DDA ever.
In 2005 I gave this on rent without any written agreement.
Can I send an eviction notice to the tenant?
Can't he challenge my ownership,because there is no written agreement or any other written document to prove that he ever has accepted me as an owner of the property
because I am a power of attorney holder only
because it is a leasehold,hire purchase DDA flat not a free hold property,so I am not an owner
because I have never paid any EMI's to DDA ?
(Expert) 29 January 2010
Because there is no SALE DEED in your favour to claim ownership of the property.
(Expert) 30 January 2010
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