Can oc be given to an illegal structure after paying penalty
Rohit Kurmi
(Querist) 19 August 2011
This query is : Resolved
a landlord has a plot with standing structure i.e ground 6 + upper one
the upper one floor was illegal, however, the penalty was paid fo the same, now can Occup. Certificate be issued for teh said upper floor if yes how and why and if no why?
this is because the BMC is levying water tax double the normal rates and wants OC for teh same to start normal rater of water tax.
the upper floor is sold to nursing home and he has taken separate meter without the permission of landlord.
teh BMC charges them concessional rates than normal for that illegal water mater,
please advice...
M/s. Y-not legal services
(Expert) 19 August 2011
In bmc if we built a illegal construction mean, after paid the penality, can we continue the illegal constructed building?
girish shringi
(Expert) 20 August 2011
Beware of this misinterpretetion,because Impact fees was imposed in 2002 and thereafter again BMC couldn't follow it properly and that was also for a limited period.