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Caveat reg

(Querist) 27 November 2024 This query is : Resolved 
I would like to clarify some doubt that whether any third party can file the caveat against the Owner( seller) and buyer of the land ?
Some workers namely Chandran & Maharajan had been working in some land which has been bought by Sudalai i.e. S No.404/1 After Sub Division 404/1B1 ( vide Doc No 1085/1982 to the extent of 2.23 Acres & Doc No.1051/1986 to the extent of 40 Cents)

Subsequently that Workers had purchased to the extent of 40 Cents from the Land Owner in 2012 ( Southern Part of that land) .Which has been purchased by Sudalai Vide Doc No 1051/1986

Thereafter I have purchased on 20.11.2024 to the extent of 2.23 Acres in the same Survey Number which has been bought by the Owner vide Doc No 1085/1982

Now the Workers/Caveators claimed that entire land is belonged to them even they have title to the extent of 40 Cents in Southern Part of Survey No .404/1
Today I have received the Notice from their advocate regarding the above dispute
Is there any provision under CPC or any logic to file caveat against me and the owner ?
Since he has the title, he sold to me .
On What basis the Caveators claim that they are the owners of the land which has been bought by me .
1. Whether can I block to file the caveat through any court proceedings?
2. Should I just reply to Advocate Notice or take steps to any court proceedings?
3. Whether can I get stay to file any case against me by those workers/Caveators?

You are requested kindly to give your best opinion
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 27 November 2024
The caveat petition is not a stay order, it is just for the court to inform them to implead them or to not to grant any order in their absence.
You issue a reply notice to their legal notice through your advocate and then proceed legally if necessary.
Dr. J C Vashista (Expert) 28 November 2024
Being a third party to the order/ judgement, which is likly to be assailed, caveat cannot admitted.
JEGADEESAN (Querist) 29 November 2024
Thank you so much for your valuable advice

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