citations of judgments..
shubh chandrika
(Querist) 31 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
I am not able to find the following cases in the records, kindly help...:
Virender Singh Vs. Haryana Tourism Cop Ltd.
2005 (3) RSJ 381 (FB)
Chairman/MD Mahanadi Coalfiled Ltd. & others versus Sashaib bahera & others 2005 (1) RSJ 615 (SC)
Please check if their citations are correct and suggest me more cases on the following topic:
An Apprentice cannot claim for regularisation of employment
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 31 October 2009
These citations were referred by me to you and both are absolutely correct.
shubh chandrika
(Querist) 02 November 2009
dear sir,
the citations referred by you are not available online, kindly suggest where to find them.