Cmo-sheristedar refuses certified copies to party.what to do
Mrityunjaya T S
(Querist) 10 October 2021
This query is : Resolved
CMO-Sheristedar refuses certified copies to Party. What to do?
I am a Party in a case and applied for copy of case papers (without lawyer). CMO (Sheristedar) has responded saying that I should only file through lawyer but the CMO/Sheristedar letter seems unofficial since it does not have Court seal or Document ID. What to do?
(Expert) 10 October 2021
You have to submit an application to the District Court by affixing the necessary court fee (it varies from one state to another state) by registered post.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 11 October 2021
Who is this "CMO-Sheristedar"
What is the case and what are the documents.
Facts posted are vague and not clear.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900
(Expert) 11 October 2021
You have to follow the procedure provided for getting a certified copy of documents. Shirestedar might have refused the improper application and therefore directed to file through the advocate.
P. Venu
(Expert) 14 October 2021
If you are a party, certified copies cannot be refused. It is only that you need to pay the requisite court fee. also, defects, if any in your application, need to be cured.