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(Querist) 12 January 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts,
I m having a lot of trouble due to lack of knowlege regarding the registration process for my computer training institute.
What i want is that crrtificate i wll he issuing to my student should be registered( means my instt n cerificate should be regiatered)
Secondly i want that my cources should be gov. Recongnised so that certified student from institue are recongnised for particular it skill in jobs at private n as well as in govt. Jobs too.
I request you plz provide me guidance in this regard.
Thanks alot.
rajagopal.s (Expert) 13 January 2016
Normally certificates issued by Computer training institutes are not governed by any government rules..
however the central government has been spending huge money on skill development and lot of training institutes are getting themselves empanelled with their state skill development councils( probably if you are eligible, then you can get empanelled with your local skill development authority and that should solve your problem.
Advocate/CS Sanjeev Kataria (Expert) 14 January 2016
you can get it registered with shop and establishment act. it depends upon state to state also. consult local lawyer
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 14 January 2016
Any certificate from private institution is illegal and can invite trouble.

You can start with franchise / permission from any university offering postal coaching / distant education in the field and after completion of their examination the university would provide certificate / degree.
krishna mohan (Expert) 19 January 2016
Normally before starting an Institute such recognition and approval is seen. You may check in your state like Dept. of Technical Education has any recognition and approval process for your institute as well as the commonly conducted computer courses to save you and your students.

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