Construction in agri land - please help.
(Querist) 28 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
We have land in pachayat limit in Tiruppur Dist of Tamilnadu and We are planning to construct a residential house in our land.
Is it necessary to check the status of land i.e Agricultural or Residential Land?
How to check the status?
If it is agricultural land, then how to convert it to a land for residentail purpose?
Please Helpppppppp.
(Expert) 28 April 2013
Is it necessary to check the status of land i.e Agricultural or Residential Land.
You must consult local Architect.
He may advise to start construction, as per his Plan, and pay fine for using non NA land for construction, it is minor amount.
Practice at diff district is different. architect have more knowledge of your land.
Your collector/ tehsildar will be contacted by local Advocate/ Agents to do needful, for NA Permission
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 28 April 2013
Only local lawyer can help you.
It may not be so serious.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 29 April 2013
Engage the services of a competent local lawyer dealing in such issues.
(Querist) 29 April 2013
Thanks for your replies. I am going for housing loan to construct house. Bank insisting that land should not be agricultural land. Could anyone throw some light on conversion procedure for the same.