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Withdrawal of fee

(Querist) 06 February 2020 This query is : Resolved 
Hello, My name is Deepanshu Bhardwaj. I have taken admission in Galgotias University on 17/July/2019 with deposition of 20,000 Rs. but cancelled my application on 31/July/2019 due to some personal reasons. Initially, they started to give dates which are nearby but after that they almost denied. I've met Chancellor, HOD, Dean and almost every official in Accounts Department but nothing could be done. Also, I have...
- A fee Receipt
- A Withdrawal Form (Signed by Accounts Department)
- A Written Application to CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- A Sound Record of Chancellor in which He is saying " I am the Officer who will sign the forms to generate your Cheque, currently I do not have Cheque Book to give you a "

I wasted my a lot of time in waiting many & many hours outside. I come from one side of 55 KM's. to know about progress in my application and even they do not talk. If I insists them to do then they started to give dates like " Come next month, come next to next monday/wednesday/friday " etc are their favorite slogans to delay any conversation. Whatever is date or day they just fix NEXT TO NEXT in them.

Also, I messaged personally to Mr. Dhruv Galgotia (CEO) on Instagram, Commented on his You tube Videos and don't know how many times I mailed.

PS : I would like to say that there is not any rule and regulation mention in prospectus in which they can deny to refund. Even I have withdrawal form given by them. I had posted this query just because they have no right to keep my money on behalf on their terms & conditions.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Expert) 06 February 2020
Dear querist,

Read you prospectus and application terms and conditions. You can send legal notice to receive back your fees.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 February 2020
Move an application to the Registrar of the university to which the said college is affiliated along-with University Grants Commission praying therein to de-recognize said college failing which file consumer complaint.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 07 February 2020
File consumer complaint against said University to get refund of your fee.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 07 February 2020
As Court litigation is a time taking issue so I had suggested you to first approach to the controlling authorities of such college and failing which only to approach legal foa.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 07 February 2020
As Court litigation is a time taking issue so I had suggested you to first approach to the controlling authorities of such college and failing which only to approach legal fora.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 08 February 2020
Generally the University endorses the condition in their prospectus that the fees once paid is non-refundable, however, approach Registrar with a request to refund on humanitarian grounds as you are unable to afford, although you were amply clear about the fees to be deposited for the course of study with the University.
Filing a complaint before Consumer Fora shall be costing you more than the amount involved, besides the fact of self-inflicted harassment and torture.
Deepanshu Bhardwaj (Querist) 08 February 2020
Hello Sir, Thanks for replying my query. I would like to say that there is not any rule and regulation mention in prospectus in which they can deny to refund. Even I have withdrawal form given by them and said to come in first week of next month.
I had posted this query just because they have no right to keep my money on behalf on their terms & conditions.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 08 February 2020
We have accordingly advised you to take further action and get desired relief.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 April 2020
You have contacted and requested. Please write again for refund.

In case of no action, moving to Consumer Forum is the way left. However, it would be a cost and time consuming process.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 April 2020
Bhardwaj! You need not to tell us that the college has no right to retain the fee. This fact is to be communicated to the college. During this long period of silence you must have applied the suggestions already given and if not then do the same soon after lockdown period gets over.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 April 2020
If one does not give due of others, law is the way left. If institution does not hear / respond / pay your dues back, moving to court is the way left.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 April 2020
Law is nothing but a cmmon sense. One should apply it as and when required.

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