(Querist) 22 January 2018
This query is : Resolved
I am pursuing mba which will complete on March 2019. My ssc cgl auditor post's joining is about to come by march 2018. I would have completed my 1st year of mba by then. Can I get extension by ssc for 1 year to complete by mba and then join ssc cgl post ? Please guide. I am ready to sign any bond that after mba i will join auditor post.
Adv Shailendra Deshpande
(Expert) 22 January 2018
You need to contact the concern HOD and understand the terms and conditions of employment contract. One year lien may not be possible for any organization. Discuss with concerned authorities and seniors before taking any final decision.
(Expert) 22 January 2018
Pray God that you are placed at the waiting list of the department to which your candidature is allotted or they delay in your medical examination and character verification by police. Only that can ensure you to gain time for your ambitious plan. Otherwise, candidate has to wait for completion of formalities by the department, not the department to wait for the candidates to join. If the respective candidate does not join within the stipulated time, wait list candidate is called to join after cancellation of the candidature of the unwilling candidate. No respite and no legal remedy also.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 23 January 2018
Check with prospective employer; If IT shall wait or provide permission to complete study/course or allow leave for attending classes for min. attendance and write exams………….. Check with College in how many years you can complete the course…
Then chose the best option for your own benefit…
Post in employment application etc that you are pursuing said course............. Don't conceal anything.
Later if selected submit requisite application under proper acknowledgment and seek sanction/approval......... Either you shall get approval or you shall not in accordance with provisions of establishment applicable to you............ Even if declined by acting properly you can avoid misconduct...
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