Development Rights of Occupant of Land
Sam D'costa
(Querist) 22 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
We are holding around 4500 sq. ft land which we are holding since 1981. We are paying NA tax from 1993 with retrospective 1981. The actual owner is not tracable. Our name is not there in 7/12 as occupant (Kabjedar). It is only there in NA tax receipt along with owners name.Now case is that Owners was having his land around 18000 sqft which he sold to builder and builder has build a building leaving our fenced area. So we are assuming that he left that much land of which we are pretending to be occupant (Kabjedar).
So do we have any right of development on this land. Because one of the builder (Who is not registered developer) is asking us to enter in to agreement of development.
Sam D'costa
(Querist) 01 May 2010
as per above now we are going to sign special power of attorney and MOU. MOU is for title clearance. He wil bring our name in "kabjedar" cloumn of 7/12. and for the same special power of attoreny is signed. Now my question is what is right by prescription? it is written in MOU that "AND WHEREAS the Owners are claiming the said property in their absolute physical and uninterrupted use, occupation and possession and as such they have acquired the title in respect thereof by prescription "
what is this? can u explain me plz?