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Differnt norms for contract basis & permanant lecturer

(Querist) 29 November 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Myself working as contract basis lecturer in a govt. polytechnic college since Feb' 2008 under W.B GOVT Dept. of Technical education. Recently the above said Dept has published a order about pay hike, it is mentioned on that order that who full fill the norms(1st class in B.E./B.Tech) as per AICTE get the benefit of pay hike. I have scored 65% marks in B.E (not 1st class), do not get the pay hike benefit. But for the post of lecturer(permanent post) in Govt polytechnic I have applied, and get the call letter for interview after qualifying written exam after Which is conducted by West Bengal Public service commission. My query is for the same post my qualification does not match for pay hike (contract basis lecturer)it matches for Lecturer(Permanent) why & What to do?
plese guide me
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 November 2012
The requirement of both places is different. No doubt you are well qualified but do not qualify for pay hike as the same demands first class whereas you are having basic qualification meeting the requirement of second post/publication.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 29 November 2012
Well this problem will remain with you. The Hon'ble SC has already explained the situation in various cases.

The contractual post will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Contract only.

The permanent employees are governed by different rules and regulations.

Contractual appointment is more like Stop-Gap arrangement.

Principles of Economics have taken over the Principles of Socialism :)

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