Discrimination beteen two employee in vigilance case in dar case any citation
jayesh sinha
(Querist) 20 October 2012
This query is : Resolved
can any body help me in giving citation in which one railway employee given chargesheet in one contract agreement while other railway employee was not given chargesheet in same contract agreement by vigilance department of railway and discrimination view adopted by railway any judement if anybody have or any advise for quick disposal of case kindly advise
(Expert) 21 October 2012
There is no citation which states that if one contract employee gets chargesheet, other contract employees also should get chargesheet. You shall have to give the details of the case for getting proper advice.
(Expert) 21 October 2012
Discrimination needs to be proved on merits and facts. No case law can help unless the circumstance and offence are similar to each other.
jayesh sinha
(Querist) 22 October 2012
what i want to say that the circumstance and offence are similar to each other in execution of contract agreement having two parts a and b i have executed part b and got chargesheet wheres as my collegue having operated part a has not not chargesheet it is on account of this discrimation i am asking administration to drop the cae
(Expert) 22 October 2012
Dear Jayesh,
You cannot be judge in your own case. Unless you describe what was part a and what was part b of the contract, how the experts can be able to conclude that the offence was equal on the part of both the employees? Facts, merits and nature of action cannot be the same on jobs of two employees working on part a and part b separately.
You should better concentrate on defending your own case, rather than entagling the other one, which action of yours won't give any relief to you in your own disciplinary case.
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