(Querist) 09 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
its a Christian wedding. Soon after the wedding the left to her mother's home and refused to return. Few days later the girl's family declared that she has not attained her puberty. guy was ready to treat her. But the girl was not ready to live neither to go to court. The guy who came with their family,demanded 4.5 lakhs for her treatment of not attaining puberty. They simply signed in a stamp paper that they r separated and the guy settled everything so no claim should be done by the girl and can be proceeded for divorce. with that stamp paper could the boy marry another girl or should he get divorce? if yes, how when the girl is not ready to go to court? when the fault is with the girl and when she herself is not willing to live is it right to get the settlement from the guy? In fact the girl's side middleman threatened the guys to settle the money.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 09 July 2016
First check whether you have customary divorce permissible in your caste/community like among the Santhals.
If yes then the divorce is valid.
If not then you have to seek dissolution of marriage from a competent civil court.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 09 July 2016
You should file divorce petition in court, if girl prefer not to come prey for ex-party proceedings.