Divorce by Mutual Consent
O. Mahalakshmi
(Querist) 20 February 2010
This query is : Resolved
Dear Colleagues
Some one wants to get divorce by mutual consent. But both the parties have already married with different persons. So they want to get Divorce by mutual consent. Indian marriage Act 1955, U/s 10-A, I want some Case Laws please suggest me case Laws. Thanking you.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 20 February 2010
You can still move joint petition before Family Court wherein no specific citation is required for this purpose.
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 20 February 2010
Case laws for what?
if the parties have already married with other persons without annulment of first marriage then it will be better for u not to disclose the fact of subsequent marriages to the court.
let the parties remain firm on their stand and get the decree.
Sachin Bhatia
(Expert) 26 February 2010
Better to move an application u/s 13 B of H. M. Act for divorce by mutual consent.