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divorce paper

(Querist) 03 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
dear i want to give divorce to my wife for that what shold i need to do

or any one have divorce paper so i can get it

waiting for the reply
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 03 October 2008
YOu have to file a petition before the concerned court seeking grant of divorce, stating the reasons for seeking divorce.

If your wife is also willing for divorce you can file a petition under Section 13 B seeking a decree of divorce by mutual consent.

If you belong to a caste wherein customary divorce is recognised then you and your wife before the caste elders can sign on divorce papers.
ARVIND JAIN (Expert) 03 October 2008
contact ur lawyer with all facts and get a petition drafted.divorce papers are not readymade like garments in Malls.
RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE (Expert) 03 October 2008
Yes, Mr. Sriniwas is absolutely right.
U can file a divorce petition in the concerned court n if ur wife is ready for divorce then u can file a joint petiton for seeking divorce by mutual consent.
U can contact me for further querries at:
mb.-9871158578, 9711364956
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 04 October 2008
Mr Srinivas has given a proper guidance.
Take help of a local lawyer.
kavita jain (Expert) 04 October 2008
If both of you are willing to get a divorce then a petition for divorce by mutual consent can be presented before the court. Otherwise, you can file a petion for divorce on any of the grounds available to you for getting a decree of divorce. in the later case the divorce will be granted on contest by the opposite party. In either case you will have to seek the help of a local lawyer as suggested by Mr. Sanjay.
kavita jain (Expert) 04 October 2008
If both of you are willing to get a divorce then a petition for divorce by mutual consent can be presented before the court. Otherwise, you can file a petion for divorce on any of the grounds available to you for getting a decree of divorce. in the later case the divorce will be granted on contest by the opposite party. In either case you will have to seek the help of a local lawyer as suggested by Mr. Sanjay.
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 05 October 2008
In this problem Mr. Sanjay's suggestion is good.
G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 19 October 2008
i agree with Kavitha Jain

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