(Querist) 11 July 2015
This query is : Resolved
I have brother and one sister . I don't want any property from my father that he held or will be going to get from his parents I mean my grandfather in terms of house land any other immovable property. Is it possible for me that I don't want and I should give him in written now for all property he hold and in future going to hold. I am solingle and unmarried.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
Sir please answer my query
(Expert) 11 July 2015
Your Query tells that you are desperate and in hurry for something.Better let the Share come in your name then you could settle the same to the person you wish.Keep your mind Peaceful and relax and avoid hasty decisions.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
thank you narasimha sir for you kind reply... But I really don't want is there any way ; I discussed with my father also and he hesitated to do so .... I am completely agree on what you said but in this situation I really don't want it please suggest something ...please sir ...understand me ...
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 11 July 2015
Property is not being distributed presently. Let the position of inheritance come. Your father may gift / will / sell / mortgage the property during his life time and may not leave any scope for your steps.
(Expert) 11 July 2015
If you are So Particular Consult a Local good Advocate Or a Senior Efficient Document Writer at your Registrar Office and execute Relinquishment Deed for your Share/Rights.Better Think Twice and Implement.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
Thank you Narasimha and Rajendra sir...you don't know how much you made it easy for me. Thank you very much. I mean my father can do whatever he wishes to do without my consult. Its really helpful for me.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
Thank you Narasimha and Rajendra sir...you don't know how much you made it easy for me. Thank you very much. I mean my father can do whatever he wishes to do without my consult. Its really helpful for me.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
Thank you Narasimha and Rajendra sir...you don't know how much you made it easy for me. Thank you very much. I mean my father can do whatever he wishes to do without my consult. Its really helpful for me.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
Thank you Narasimha and Rajendra sir...you don't know how much you made it easy for me. Thank you very much. I mean my father can do whatever he wishes to do without my consult. Its really helpful for me.
(Expert) 11 July 2015
What is your Real Problem Please.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 11 July 2015
Certainly What is the real and root problem?
If you discuss it might be possible to suggest other and better ways.
(Querist) 11 July 2015
Nothing sir its cruising mind from some days. I am student and not owner of anything but seeing my fathers position and family's worth some girl trapped me and forcing me get married with her. I have not done anything that I am ashamed of with her. Now I am seeing only way to leave everything from my parents that I will be going to get. And by law also I have not done anything that will force me to do marry her. But due to me my family should not suffer that is only moto behind it.
(Expert) 11 July 2015
Better Consult a Local Good Senior Advocate and discuss all your Issues Openly.Try to be open in these matters with your family also .If Possible Meet a good Psychologist and discuss to keep your mind free with out fear and trouble.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 11 July 2015
Certainly you should not conceal anything from elders in the family and along with them seek the counsel of an able and trusted Lawyer.
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