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Eligibility for other govt job if major penalty imposed

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 06 April 2022 This query is : Resolved 
I wanna know if a psu bank employee commits fraud and no FIR is registered against him but disciplinary action is taken against him. Bank imposed major penalty of increments down or lower down to position but he is not terminated and he continues working in the same organisation.whether he is eligible for other govt jobs or not? If one clear other govt exam and at the time of interview, a bio data form has to fill, in which he has to state any disciplinary action by previous this major penalty cause problem or not in future other govt jobs??
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 10 April 2022
You yourself know that you committed fraud, what is that fraud? When no FIR is registered against you, how did you know this? Why or for what reasons did the PSU take the disciplinary action? Once on a disciplinary case, if an employee is punished as per rules, then he is not eligible for govt. jobs.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 04 December 2022

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