Elinating middle class by judges.
Siddhi Agarwal
(Querist) 13 July 2013
This query is : Resolved
In a petition no. 323 of 2013 filed against BMC for permission to repair the repairable buildings the judges SJ Vazifdar and MS Sonak have diverted the whole issue and pressurizing the tenants to accept redevelopment with untenable terms of the land lords who have got the power & water cut due to callous attitude and criminal nexus with BMC. Tenants have paid huge amount as goodwill / pagdi in 1960 and have no problem as long they have continued protection under Bombay Rent Control Act and their rent does not shoot up 15-to 20 fold in the redeveloped building as demanded by the crooked land lords but judges are not concerned and want to throw away the tenants that means the rogue politicians and judiciary want middle class to be eliminated all together with only two classes to deal with one the like of Mukesh Ambani who grabbed WAQF property and other labours both of which are well organized and can get their say by hook or crook. Now the question is if the judges arm twist the tenants in a covert way can tenants file a review petition against such rogue judgement ? What are the other option open to tenants in the matter ? It is pity that while the slums dwellers are being provided ownership flats the tenants and law abiding citizens are denied the ownership in redeveloped bldgs. Our corporater and MLA are hand in glove with the notorious land lords and Arvind Kejariwas AAP is no where to be seen. Pl. help as it is the factual situation in the country boasting of thriving democracy which suits only Rober Vadera, Rahul Gandhi any many such people.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 13 July 2013
Unable to comprehend that it is information about defects in system or a query?
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 13 July 2013
no comments for controversial query.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 13 July 2013
Appeal to higher court if not satisfied with the decision of the court.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 13 July 2013
File revision/appeal against the judgment if you are dissatisfied because after all we have to depend upon the verdict of the judiciary.