Employment of dismissed candidate from Public Sector

(Querist) 03 November 2014
This query is : Resolved
I have been dismissed from public sector job.Am I eligible for UPSC.I have cracked prelims.Please provide valuable suggestion as it pertains to my life.I would like to make it clear that I was dismissed after completing my form filling procedures for UPSC.

(Expert) 03 November 2014
Not eligible, as dismissal from any Government or PSU job puts a bar on future employment in any Government organisation. However, if reinstated back on the job after exoneration of the charge on appeal to the appellate authority or the court of law, you would become eligible after that.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 08 November 2014
agreeing with Mr Dhingra I would add that have you challnage the dismissal.
Unless you can successfully challenge the dismissal and get back to service, the doors of Govt sector are shut for you.

(Querist) 09 November 2014
Isn't this a violation of individual rights?

(Expert) 09 November 2014
No Replies to Anonymous
(Expert) 09 November 2014
No violation of any individual's right is involved here. As an individual has a right to seek employment, every employer has also a right whether to take any person or not and under what conditions. In this case, the Govt. and Govt. PSUs have a policy not to employ person(s) who have been once employed and dismissed from service (for whatsoever reason).
But a dismissed employee is not barred from getting any private employment. Therefore, the question of violation of any individual's right simply does not arise.

(Expert) 09 November 2014
Always the Right Persons to Right Job to Right Candidate Obvious to Right People.

(Querist) 09 November 2014
Thanks for your wise replies.

(Expert) 09 November 2014
You are welcome.