(Querist) 15 March 2013
This query is : Resolved
sir, i married a widow 3 years ago.. and got the marriage registar office...we were in releation for past 5 years..
she wanted me to keep our marriage as secret since she had to get claim amount for her first husband acccidental death..( her husband died in road accident, he was govt employee) this girl is having a child from first husband..5 years now..we were living seperately and met secretly girls parents knew about our marriage.. Now after getting compensation she married another person without my knowledge....6 months she cheated me...
I want to file a bigamy case sgainst her..
fearing that she may put 498a/ harrasment case against me...
her brother beat me for calling her about my marriage issue.. a case is filed against his brother u/sec 343,34..
i have proof of her new marriage and my marriage certificate.. no photos of her with me...
(Querist) 15 March 2013
girls is a govt employee...the person she married is un divorced he is having a wife & daughter 7 years living in other town...
can i proceed with bigamy case against her...
(Querist) 19 March 2013
sir, suggest me on how to proceed now.. or do you want me to wait for some time and collect all the information needed till she give birth to a child...
i dont have proof of her hindu marriage/photos how to prove bigamy and adultry...
some one said that i cannot file a case against my wife..
ajay sethi
(Expert) 19 March 2013
contact a detective agency . get evidence of her second marriage .
ajay sethi
(Expert) 19 March 2013
The supreme court has laid down that proof of solemnization of second marriage in accordance with the essential religious rites applicable to parties is absolutely essential and a must for conviction for bigamy and that mere admission on the part of the accused that he had contacted second marriage was not enough and that such admission is not evidence for the purpose of proving marriage in an adultery or bigamy case