Human rights
yogendra prasad
(Querist) 13 March 2012
This query is : Resolved
I am a senior citizen 69 years old. i hold a property at Nagpur for the past 46 years.Property measures 5200.00 Sq feet.
A lawyer has filed a false Petition for partition against me, in a Junior division court having a jurisdiction of Rs. One Lakh only. Value of property is Rs.70.00 lakhs.He has paid Rs.430.00 as court fee.
He has managed to park this petition in this court for 2 1/2 years through adjournments and Management of Judges.he is demanding out of court settlement for his client with whom he has a percentage basis payment term.
Seeing his influence, I have started getting Cardiac problems and high BP because of tension. It may prove to be fatal for me.
by investing only rs 430.00 this lawyer is trying to cause a fatal damage to a senior citizen for blackmail and extortion. Can he be charged for violating any constitutional law?
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 13 March 2012
An advocate is representing his clilent. The allegations raised by you will not stand before any court of law.
It is better to appoint a lawyer who is well versed with property related law.
Isaac Gabriel
(Expert) 14 March 2012
There appears a manoeuvre to get enriched by hook or by crook by exploiting the innocent,wherein no humanrights vioalation is apprehended.You need to fight the case with competent advocate to protect your rights
(Expert) 15 March 2012
How can a partition suit be filed by no reasons? Need to check the details. You would be holding other persons share in the property and they are demanding for partition. Court usually will take such long time for ordering preliminary decree.. To avoid complications contact an property expert so that he can guide you whether your case is good or bad and then whether it is better to go for settlement or not?