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Alteration of society property

(Querist) 13 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 

I would like to know if any member can externaly alter, repair, or change the water pipeline provided by the society and as far as I know no member can alter or make repair externally, it is totally society's responsibility so add-on I would like to know the bye-law stating the same if any or any evidence or law passed for the sameriven
DATTA SOLANKAR (Expert) 14 September 2009
As per bye laws 160 The following repairs and maintenance of the property of the society shall be carried by the society at its costs:

a) i) All internal roads, (ii) Compound Walls, (iii) External water pipe lines, (Iv) Water pumps, (v) Water storage tanks, (Vi) Drainage lines vii) Septic tanks. (viii) Stair cases, (ix) Terrace and parapet walls x) Structural repairs of roofs of all flats. (xi) Stair-case lights, (xii) Street lights, (xiii) Outside walls of the building/buildings. (xiv) All leakages of water including leakages due to rain water, and leakages due to external common pipe line and drainage line. (xv) Electric lines upto main switches in the flats (xvi) Lifts, (xvii) The damaged ceiling and plaster thereon in the top floor flats, on account of the leakage of the rain water through the terrace.
b) All the repairs, not covered by the bye-law No. 160(a) shall be carried repairs by the out by the members at their cost.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 14 September 2009
Better study the bye-laws of the concerned society instead of generalization. If it is provided therein then the householder can perform the act mentioned above otherwise not.riven
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 19 September 2009
You have to act strictly as per the Bye-laws please.riven
Guest (Expert) 23 September 2009
I agree with Mr.Datta. Firstly, bye-laws of any society is prepared on the basis of statutory bye-laws. Even if the concerned society's bye-laws states otherwise, the statutory bye-laws holds good for all purposes. Is it possible for any society's bye-laws (prepared to suit to its convenience) to override statutory bye-laws???riven

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