Dismiss my application under rti act 2005
ShreeRam Saini
(Querist) 27 November 2012
This query is : Resolved
I filled 25 RTI application to Municipality- Sikar (Raj.) all applications contain info. related to Municipality work. But Info. officer dismissed my application on the ground of violation of sec. 3 of RTI Act. How I prepare another application for first appeal under this Act.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 27 November 2012
file appeal and no fixed format for it.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 27 November 2012
The Right to Information Act, 2005
First Appeal for Central Government/State Government
Strikeout whichever not applicable
I.D. No_________ Date: _________ [For office use]
The First Appellate Authority under RTI Act
Dept/Office ------------------------------------------- -------------
As I am aggrieved by decision/no decision of Central/State Public Information Officer, I hereby file this
appeal for your kind decision.
1. Details of appellant
1.1 Full Name: ------------------------------------------------------------
1.2. Full Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3 Phone/Cell No.: ---------------------------------------------------------
1.4 Email ID: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Details of Central/State Public Information Officer (CPIO/SPIO):
2.1 Name/Designation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2 Full Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.3 Name of Public Authority: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Details of RTI application to CPIO/SPIO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Date of Application: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mailed on: ----------------------------- by registered/speed post No. ----------------- /hand delivery
Date of receipt by CPIO/SPIO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Particulars of payment of filing fee:
Paid Rs.10/- by bank draft/pay slip/IPO No.----------------------------------------------------
Dated_________of_______________Bank/Post office OR deposited cash on --------------------- against
receipt No------------------------------ With -------------------------- office/department
5. Details of information sought:
6. Particulars of Decision of CPIO/SPIO:
Letter reference No: ---------------------------------------------------------------
Date of CPIO/SPIO’s Decision: ---------------------------------------------------------------
Date of receipt of decision by the appellant: ---------------------------------------------------------------
7. Brief facts of the case:
8. Reasons/grounds for this appeal:
9 Any other information in support of appeal:
10. Prayer/relief sought for:
11. Grounds for prayer/relief sought for:
12. Personal Presence at hearing: YES / NO: ---------------------------------------
13. Enclosures: Photocopies of original RTI application with its enclosures, postal proof of mailing,
acknowledgement of CPIO/SPIO, decision letter of CPIO/SPIO.
14. Declaration:
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with any information commission nor is pending
with any Court or tribunal or authority.
Place: -----------------------------
Date: ------------------------------
Signature of appellant
P.S. Please refer office memorandum dated 09-07-2007 issued by DoPT, Govt. of India.
Note: Select either CPIO (Central Public Information Officer) or SPIO (State Public Information Officer) in your application
Strikeout whichever not applicable
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 27 November 2012
I think Mr. Singh has solved your problem.
ShreeRam Saini
(Querist) 28 November 2012
Yes Sir, and thanks to all specially Mr. Singh...