Land donated for educational purpose
(Querist) 23 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
please enlighten me that our family have donated land for eductional purpose under registered deed to the registered society . land mafia is adamant to grab and change the mature of property to religeous nature and want to sale.
1. can anybody change the nature of land donated for purpose (donor is alive).
2. can anybody or even the society/trust can change or sale the land.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 23 April 2013
1. After gift donee becomes its absolute owner. and only donee can change its user. The land mafia has nothing to do with this.
2.As said earlier the donee after the gift can change its nature if the local law so permits.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 23 April 2013
If the donation was conditional and that condition is being violated then the gift can be got cancelled by filing a specific suit for that purpose otherwise the opinion of Barman holds good.