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simple question before citing.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 02 July 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Sir i am a student as with the respect sir i would like to know how to know that a judgment given by the court is in appeal or has been overruled because many times it happens that the defense lawyers takes a citation as a binding precedent but the prosecution proves that it has been challegened further in the appeal & has been overruled so the defense lawyer citation has no value and at least he/she cannot defend the case very much strongly.

So a simple question before citing the citation how to know that a particular citation or judgment has been overruled or it has been in appeal in the appellate court?

Thanks For giving the answer.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 02 July 2011
study is the answer.
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 02 July 2011
Grounds of appeal and substantial question of laws are the big key in appeal cases.. Citation may support the case. Its will not decide the case.
Ravikant Soni (Expert) 03 July 2011
Most of journals consists of a list of overrulled citations.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 July 2011
sir Thanks to all.

Sir can i have the name of the journal's or can i known for were i will get those journal .

Sir i think there many other way also as i have this problem 2 times & many others also have faced so there may be some other way also right.
Ravikant Soni (Expert) 04 July 2011

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