Statutory forms
d. chandra sekhar
(Querist) 02 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
Please clarify the issue
One of my client is a registered dealer both under APVAT and CST Act, The Assessing authority has finalized the CST assessment for the year 2008-2009 and mentioned disputed T.O and Tax on disputed T.O for non submission of F Forms. Client has filed an appeal and produced some F Forms received after finalization of assessment. The Appellate Authority has consider the F Forms received and passed orders. The client has failed to file one F Form received before the appellate authority before passing the appellate order.
In such circumstances, please clarify if my client has a chance to file the F Form before the assessing authority for reopening of assessment as per Judgment delivered by the High Court of A.P, even the appellate authority passed the order.
Please also give any judgments in that point.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 03 May 2013