The limit to own agricultural land in mahrashtra

Querist :
(Querist) 25 October 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
I would like to know the limit one can own agricultural land on one persons name in Maharashtra State.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 25 October 2011
In Maharashtra, large portions of land acquired under the Ceiling Lands Act were handed over to the Maharashtra State Farming Corporation (MSFC) for efficient use, rather than to the impoverished landless themselves. However, vast areas of the land were kept fallow, contrary to the spirit of the Act. Additionally, land was organised into five categories with different limits for these categories, as follows:
Land with an assured supply of water, 18 acres
Land with assured water for one crop, 27 acres
Land irrigated seasonally, 36 acres
Dry crop land (specified regions-paddy land), 36 acres
Dry crop land, 54 acres
This range of ceilings gave room for improper implementation of the Act. Other obstacles included a lack of political will, absence of pressure from below because of an inarticulate and unorganized agricultural labour force, an apathetic attitude in the bureaucracy, and innumerable loopholes.
(Expert) 25 October 2011
better to get details of mahrestra land revenue act