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accusation of ancestral land in name of son, whose father is mentally ill

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 13 February 2011 This query is : Resolved 
B married in the guardianship of his elder brother, B is mentally ill but that too recognized after 3yrs of marriage, now B has got 2 child, 1 is male(2 yrs) and the other one is female(4 yrs),B has same ancestral land and he is uselessly selling his land without giving a thought to his future and also he is not doing anything to earn his beard and butter, so in such case wife of B i.e A wants to occupy the ownership of the land so as to keep her and her children future secure.I want your suggestion on this case so that the purpose of A gets fulfilled.
abhishek (Expert) 13 February 2011
if it can be proved in court that B was not in state to handle his property or like matters, the court may direct to handle the property of B to wife , if B is the owner of the that property.

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