tenant and landlord

Querist :
(Querist) 17 June 2011
This query is : Resolved
my father is a tenant in the premises since 1966 in delhi, i joined them in 1990's after that in 2001 i started my own business from there itself. since then we both are doing our own businesses from the same premises.In Jan. 2011 the house has been sold out by the old landlord and the new one has not introduced himself to us. Also he is not receiving any rent . Now I want to know the effects of the case in which the new landlord want us to vacate.
(Expert) 17 June 2011
you should send the rent regularly by MO to the new landlord. Let him refuse the money orders. If he wants to evict you legally, he will have to issue a notice. You should reply it suitably through some good advocate.

Querist :
(Querist) 18 June 2011
what if we dont send him mo. or we send it to the old landlord. as we cant be assured of , that he is the new owner , or his address.
(Expert) 18 June 2011
You mentioned clearly that it was sold in Jan 11. had you mentioned that you are not sure about it i would have different advise. The new landlord need not introduce himself to you. It is enough if the old land lord informs you that he has sold it to the so called new land lord. If the old land lord has not informed it then you may sent rent to old landlord by MO or Cheques by RPAD. If he refuses, then you cant be evicted on the ground of default. If the new landlord wants to evict, he will issue notice. reply it.

Querist :
(Querist) 19 June 2011
to be more clear, i want to specify that the old land lord has not formally told us about the sale deed or introduced us to the new land lord. it is the neighbors and the talks in and around, also we remain at the shop all day. so on the basis of that we are sure that it has happened like that only. Also i got an advice not to give weight to the new landlord and should stick with the old one, trying to predict that we dont know him and we only know the old landlord. as the new has not come to us for rent or anything else. also he is a builder and i am advised not to be in his direct path as long as possible.
Also please advice that if we don't send MO to any one , then i heard that a notice will be issued to us by court and that notice will not be let served to us and then a summon will be issued to us and we will be given a chance to pay the rent in front of the honble court.