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Flat owners association

(Querist) 20 March 2014 This query is : Resolved 
There is 18 year old aprtment with 19 flat in
Ground + 3 floors. The Flat owners association has proposed for installation of lift from ground to third floor. All owners except two owners have agreed and paid the amount needed for the installation.

Can these two owners not agree to pay? One owner is on ground floor and says as he will not use the lift he will not pay. Three other owners on ground floor have already agreed and paid.

Another owner in second floor is opposing the installation of lift saying that he will loose ventilation and that the lift door opens beside the main door of their apartment.

Similar flat on other foors have agreed without any objection.

Can the association force them to pay or cut off their other facilities till they pay?

Also can they proceed without their consent?
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 March 2014
it is immaterial whether they use lift or not . all flat owners have to pay . raise bill on all flat owners as per resolution passed by association . if they refuse file case for recovery of the dues
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 March 2014
Go through the procedure as per bye laws of the association. In case of default by any member start recovery proceedings.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 11 April 2014
Look into the bye-laws and take action accordingly.

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