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Extra Martial affair

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 01 April 2018 This query is : Resolved 
My aunt is having extra material affair with a guy who is already married. Twenty-five year has passed of her marriage. My uncle doesn't knew all this things. My aunt and his mother made my uncle's life hell. she is torturing them to commit sucide and prove that they have made her to do that.
I have some screenshots of Facebook chat, telephonic conversation and some photos. is that enough to prove her guilty.what Will happen if she make some allegations on me for taking revenge.
Please help us on this critical situation
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 02 April 2018
only on perusal of contents of the so called chat one can form a view whether any action is made out on him.

Your apprehension is right she can make false allegation on you and putting you into serious trouble.
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
Do you want to act on behalf of your uncle, who is stated to be not knowing any such illicit relation? How can you interfere in their private matters? Also, how would you like justify your action against your aunt, if your uncle himself denies not to be aware of any such episode?
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
Agree With Experts..........................Well Advised
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
As per Sec 497 IPC only the party affected could file a complaint.
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
Do not Poke your Nose in to others bedroom.
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
Even in the Adultery cases the Women will not be / can not be charged and only the Men involved would be charged.
Guest (Expert) 02 April 2018
Her husband could make use of this ground only to seek the divorce if at all it is proved with Legally acceptable evidence.
P. Venu (Expert) 02 April 2018
Extra-marital affairs is not a criminal or civil offence save against the husband and the wife as the case may be.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 04 April 2018
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