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Remand of labour matter to labour court for the second time on same issue after 18 years.

(Querist) 02 October 2012 This query is : Resolved 
i being medical representative, a sales promotion employee, against a exparte order of labour court on preliminary issue of workman, i approached honble' high court, which after 4 years held to be workman remanded the case to the labour court to decide it on merits within six months. but after years the case was decided on merits because at the last end of hearing the employer deliberately chooses not to appear and hence ex-parte award. against which recall application was filed which was also rejected in between the proceedings the issues were framed and these six issues ane after the other was challenged before hon'ble high court before the final award of labour court after concealing material facts in the recall application. there after the award was challenged before high court in year 2009 and was stayed till further order on the issue of workman which has attained finality and holding labour court has jurisdiction to hear the case. now before the high court last month evaluating the order of preliminary issue of coordinate bench my award has again been remanded back to the labour court after 15 years for the second time on the same issue making me where i was 15 years back. while the award was stayed i was neither reinstated nor compliance of 17=B was done and my application of 2009 of 17-B is still pending.
i am poor person now what is the effective remedy for me please suggest?
my entire family is under depression and tension.
pl provide maximum and effective suggestions together with some lawyer who can take up my case in lowest amount.
ajay sethi (Expert) 02 October 2012
repeated query
prabhakar singh (Expert) 02 October 2012
repeated queries are not answered.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 02 October 2012
repeated query.

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