Un divided family land
nilesh kokane
(Querist) 03 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
my father has a share in a un divided family land in pune but my uncles cheated n made a false kul muktyar for which a criminal case is in court now the government laywer says to file a diwani for the share i want to know if we file a diwani will we get the remaning land part of which is sold or we have to wait for the cheated land case n which will take a lot of time my uncle took a loan after the case was registred on some part of remaning land what is the reason n solution for this please guide in simple answer
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 03 December 2012
You would have filed simultaneous civil suit with criminal case. had you done this, your uncle wouldn't have succeeded in taking bank loan on the remaining land. Anyway, still you have got cause of action to file diwani case as advised.
nilesh kokane
(Querist) 04 December 2012
but when i file a diwani will i have to wait for the other case to get over n can i have a share directly
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 04 December 2012
You need not wait for the outcome of the other case rather you file it as both cases are different.