Property for daughter
(Querist) 29 August 2013
This query is : Resolved
What is the right of un-married daughter on the property of father on the below case:
1. Property in the name of father.
2. In the name of married brothers, self bought by brothers.
3. In the name of brothers transferred by father to them.
Many thanks in advance for help.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 30 August 2013
1.Right to maintenance and marriage.
2.No kind of right.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 30 August 2013
1. If father has expired then equal share with her her brothers.
2. None.
3. None
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 30 August 2013
How the property came in the name of your father is important. I presume All are self-acquired properties as per your query.
You do not have any right in all the three cases.
(Querist) 30 August 2013
Thank you all.
What is the liability of father on "Right to maintenance and marriage" in terms of money value. Is it discretionary on his part or some % of his net worth or fixed value? Also, if daughter is living alone in other city on her own for last 9 years, can she claim maintenance now in lump-sum? Many thanks in advance once again.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 August 2013
what are the daughter qualifications ? is she working ? if she is staying alone for 9 years in other city she must be working .if she is unable to maintain herself the father would be bound to maintain her .
(Querist) 30 August 2013
She worked off and on.... means, some months she worked, some didnt. But did not ask for any support. When she did not worked, she lived on her savings.
(Querist) 30 August 2013
her qualification is MBA
ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 August 2013
she can take care of her self . she is young and should work for her living . no need to ask money from father
(Querist) 30 August 2013
Dear Ajay, No need to ask is based on prudence and self ego. But Can she demand? Also, as I asked in previous query,for "Right to maintenance and marriage" in terms of money value. Is it a discretionary right on her father's part to spend of some % of his net worth or fixed value?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 30 August 2013
Maintenance depends upon many factors, earning of your father, essential expenses, your qualification, earning and many other factors. If you claim, if you are not able to maintain yourself, and if it is not paid, you may proceed legally.